Sunday, August 02, 2015

The Goldfinch: Chapter 5 (Badr al-Dine)

Goldie seems to be rushing Theo out of the vicinity of the building. If you get that sense, too, explain why you think that's so.

Mrs. Barbour air-kisses Theo when he is leaving. While she appears cold and uncaring by doing this, Theo notes that it's the first time she has expressed this kind of affection towards him. Looking at this scene, what do you think her behavior suggests?

Theo's father gives him champagne and, later, some anxiety medication (not named at this point, but potent, nonetheless). What does this show us about the father? What does it show us about Theo, considering that he took and liked both?

What does Xandra's treatment of the dog tell you about her?

Given what you know about their lifestyle thus far, what type of life are Xandra and Theo's father leading in Las Vegas? Where are they on the socioeconomic ladder? How do their gambling habits show this? Their self-medicating habits? The hushed phone calls?

Theo mentions that the other Honors English class is reading Great Expectations. Find a synopsis of that novel (SparkNotes) and see how that story lines up with the story of Theo so far. His class is reading Walden instead. Why that book? Why does Tartt use these allusions?

What is it about Boris that makes him the perfect friend for Theo now that he is in Vegas? What do you think Boris enjoys about Theo's presence?

Boris, who had picked pockets in the past, is quick to scold Theo (and adamant) about his plan to steal from drunken tourists. What is his situational morality here? Why is he so against it, calling Theo a "bad citizen"?

Theo's father acted really weird about the first letter Hobie sent. Why do you think he acted so oddly? What might he be expecting from New York?

Theo finds a lot of Boris's life interesting, but some of the stuff Boris has experienced is just plain foreign to Theo (forgive the pun), and a lot of it Theo finds to be just plain disturbing. What do you find disturbing about Boris's life, both past and present?

There is a subtle shift in the relationship between Theo and Xandra at Thanksgiving. What accounts for the change? How long do you think she'll endure Theo?

Another there significance to the author's choice of including Wind, Sand and Stars, by Saint-Exupery? Do some research and check it out.

What is The Idiot about? How does this allusion fit in?

Is Boris right...that Theo's dad is not such a bad guy? Or is Theo right...his father just can't be trusted? Explain your thoughts.


Abby Coulter said...

I think that Theo is correct in the fact that His dad is not to be trusted. Theo has known his father’s past and most people don’t change overnight. The fact that his dad is a drinker and has other anger issue makes him impulsive and explosive. His father always seems to have an underlying reason for every decision he makes, and ones that are more beneficial to himself rather than his own son. I think he is a selfish man and will take advantage of any situation that could gain him any sort of benefit. Theo is wise enough to not trust his father’s intentions and makes the right decision to not let him get close to him. Boris obviously sees it in a different way, but he also doesn’t know all the facts and history. It’s like making an opinion without knowing any background information. In my opinion, I would have to agree with Theo and not trust his father due to his turbulent past.

Unknown said...

When Larry acted out of sorts when the letter from Hobie arrived, I was a bit suspicious. His dad is known not to be trusted and not to be an honest man. At first I was confused, maybe he was expecting money or some type of benefit for Theo, but as I kept reading I understood. Larry is a gambler and is always looking for new ways to invest in some money, no matter how much. He was clearly expecting cash stored away for Theo, which is why he suddenly showed up at the Barbour's door for him. I think that Larry was expecting some sort of bill and it spiked his suspicion when it was addressed to Theo.

Abigail Cloum said...

When Theo’s father gives him the champagne and the “anxiety medication” it shows us that he is not a very responsible parent. He obviously does not care about Theo one bit and that he doesn’t realize the potential consequences of his actions. Maybe that was the way that Theo’s father was raised and so therefore making it seem okay for his own son. Theo of course took everything because that is what children and teens do, when their parents give them something they automatically assume that it is alright to accept the things. That is the way that it is supposed to be, children and teens should trust their parents judgment. Also the age Theo is he was probably curious about the champagne.

Steven Waganfeald said...

I agree with what Abby said, Theo's father shouldn't be trusted. We can tell he's not a good man just from the fact that he left his family penniless and the fact that he was and still sorta is a raging alcoholic. As for his and Xandra's place on the socioeconomic ladder, I'd say they're a little under middle class but definitely into some shady business with the gambling and the drugs. All in all I don't think it's a good situation for Theo, the only person who gives me any hope for Theo's future is Boris and that's saying something.

Zack Poorman said...

The fact that Theo's father gave him champagne and anxiety medication makes a red flag pop up in my head. I really think something is up with Theo's father without mentioning what his father does to make money. He (Theo's father) shouldn't be trusted, as Steven, Abigail, and Abby have mentioned prior, there is so much unknown about Theo's father but the stuff that is known makes him look like a coward who's an alcoholic. Theo's father left Theo and his mother and then goes and drinks his life away. (His father is definitely pathetic and shouldn't be near Theo since he's a horrible influence). When Theo liked both the champagne and the anxiety medicine, it showed that he is probably more likely to become an alcoholic and/or addicted to medicine unless he knows or is taught to not abuse drugs, alcohol, etc. (It's sad that the best supporter and role model, his mother, died so early in the book because he wouldn't be any of the situations that he's been in since his mother's death). (Sorry if this comment is choppy while reading it, I couldn't find a way to get my thoughts out in a cohesive way).

Anonymous said...

People say that you can tell how great a person is by how they treat their dog. After reading this scene I began to grasp how much dislike I had for Xandra even though we were just introduced to her. She is not responsible for anyone or thing but herself. She doesn't care how or where she gets her money as long as she has some. She clearly has no maternal instinct after attempting to interact with Theo. She treats him much older than he truly is. Overall she genuinely annoys me.

I think Theo's father acted so rudely over the first letter from Hobie is because he has gotten into trouble with someone. slowly these people keep finding him and he is truly worried about his safety. Theo has already met them outside the apartment in New York whose to say they wont find him again. Also Theo's father may be expecting money from New York such as funding to pay for Theo.

Adam_A said...

I think Theo is right that his father cannot be trusted and hasn't changed since he left Theo and his mother. His outer personality may have improved slightly but the core of his attitude and actions have not. Theo's dad is not any less of an angry drunk than before, he has just found better ways to hide and manage it. He may seem to give Theo more attention than he did before but he is still unable to figure out how to be a good father figure to Theo. He still allows his poor decisions to overshadow his relationship with Theo, making it seem like he does not care about him at all. From Boris' point of view Theo's father may not seem like such a bad guy, however, Boris does not know his past like Theo does and he acts vastly different than Boris' father does, which most people would seem better than his father.

Unknown said...

Both Theo and Boris are out of the normal in Vegas. It seems that neither of them care much to be in the cliques of the school either. Boris is a lot like Theo's friend at the beginning, Tom. They have a connection by making fun of each other playfully. Thats the first real connection they had at the bus stop when Boris called Theo Harry Potter. Boris notices that Theo's clothes don't really fit in with the fashion of the Vegas kids. It seems that Boris doesn't fit in much either so this already draws them in closer as friends. They are perfect for each other because they are both new to Vegas and it seems that their families are almost exactly alike so they can relate to each other's problems. I think Boris is a good friend for Theo and will help him with his new life in Vegas.

Unknown said...

Boris is the perfect friend for Theo now that he is in Vegas because Boris embodies sin and anything bad that could happen to a person. Boris first off, is a dingy, young alcoholic who is already drinking his life into ruin. However, he is still poetic and philosophical with the books he reads and the fact that he is an Honors English class. I think Boris enjoys Theo's presence because he comes from someone with a similar background, dead mother, crappy father. Yet at the same time Theo is stilling coping in a way and I think that it inspires Boris. However, Boris still gives Theo vices such as drinking, smoking, and stealing. Overall, these boys can both relate to each other a lot and without each other they would be pretty miserable, especially Boris with his abusive father.

Anonymous said...

Theo's father is the exact opposite of a good role model, by making bad decisions, being an alcoholic and downright impulsive. He has no sense of parental love or care for Theo at all so it is a good call on Theo's part that this man cannot be trusted. Theo does not need an angry and alcoholic person like that in his life for it would only worsen his life. It's sad to say, but Theo should rather have no father model then to have someone as pathetic as him. Theo's father does not care for him nor does Xandra in any sense. His coming father coming back in Theo's life like this is only having a negative affect on him.

Anonymous said...

By accepting his father's offers of champagne and anxiety medication, two things are revealed; one, that his father is irresponsible and doesn't know what he's doing, and two, his father's self-destructive ways are negatively affecting Theo's life.
The way Xandra treats her dogs tells us that she is with Theo's dad for a reason; they both share abusive minds and bloodshot eyes, as well as zero maternal/paternal instinct. Even more reason why they shouldn't be the adult figures in Theo's life.
Xandra and Theo's father are leading a secretive and destructive life in Vegas which is unhealthy for both them and Theo. I agree with him that his dad is not to be trusted at any cost. It is obvious to everyone that Theo's father has spent his picked life drowning his emotions in mountains of pills. Of course Theo has enough sense to see this and try to avoid turning out that way, but at the same time, his father's ways DO have an affect on him whether he knows it or not. The longer he stays with Xandra and his father, the better chance he has of becoming exactly like them.

Anonymous said...

Theo and Boris make a great pair because Boris has that young, careless, 'wasted youth' way about him that makes Theo feel less alone, especially when you add in their similar parental issues. This is not to say that they are bad kids, they're just different from everyone else, which is why they get along. The situational morality that occurs when Boris calls Theo a 'bad citizen' for wanting to steal from intoxicated tourists is based on the thought that if you do bad things to yourself, it's okay, but if you do bad things to others, you're the bad guy. Even though Boris is an alcoholic and a drug abuser like Theo's dad, he still manages to be a genuine guy, and that takes a lot. I think Theo admires Boris just as much as Boris admires him for having the courage to go through the loss of his mother and come out on the other side without a bottle in his hand.

Amber_Baumia said...

Theo's father is not a good person. From the way Theo has described him in the beginning to when he shows up to whisk Theo away, there is no doubt he has bad intentions for his son. The way he allows him to return to the Barbours' and has his girlfriend give him medication not prescribed by a doctor shows readers that this can only lead to bad things. It gives the impression that his father is not into good business and by Theo taking both, and liking them, he may have his father's addictive tendencies and this could wind up bad for the both of them. Theo should not have gone with his father to live in Las Vegas, and Mrs. Barbour should have said something to someone about Theo's father giving him alcohol the first day he arrived, or maybe she was not surprised and felt it wasn't her job to do so.
As soon as they get to Vegas and reveal their habits- late nights, drugs, gambling, etc.- Theo doesn't seem to piece the puzzle together until his friend Boris shows up and tells him the straight truth. Larry and Xandra are not into good business with good people and by seeing their habits and previous mistakes it is only a matter of time before they get in above their heads, whether it be one or both of them. Who knows where this will leave Theo.

Unknown said...

His father is not what you would call a “good role model” He is an alcoholic, and makes terrible decisions. He is absent in Theo’s life and doesn’t really know how to be a parent, with his lack of love and affection for his son. The last thing Theo needs is an alcoholic, dead-beat father who doesn’t truly care about him. He should deal without a father-figure, and just try to surround himself with positivity and love. Not only that but Xandra doesn’t care for him at all either. All of this is only making Theo’s situation worse.

Anonymous said...

Compared to Boris's father, Theo's dad is a good man and a good dad. However, from Theo's point of view, his dad is a horrible person. I agree with Theo, that his dad can't be trusted. Many times Theo's dad has proven that he is, if nothing else, shady. His dad also has a history of lying to the people around him and going back on his word. His dad even says that he has quit drinking, which of course, is a lie. Even small, unnecessary lies like this prove the point. From Theo's perspective, his dad is not a good man by any means.

Nikolas Sieg said...

Giving your son some champagne and anxiety medication does not exactly make the list of good ideas by parents. I can how ever see what the dad is doing, his son is depressed and the only way the father knows how to fix that, temporarily, is with alcohol and narcotics. I know that what the fathers actions were not wise what so ever but you can see that he is making the effort to help his son cope in his time of need. This is the start of Theo's substance abuse, it is the only thing giving him joy in his dark and desolate world, why would anyone give up something that is bringing them so much joy in a time that needs some? It is a sad thing but Theo's struggle is much like many people in the real world, they see drugs and alcohol as the end all cure all of problems.

Unknown said...

Theo's father is definitely not the kind of person Theo needs in his life... He is an awful role model. He was very careless and obviously doesn't care about Theo or his mother because he left them in the fall. He drinks and makes awful decisions and it's pretty clear that he is not fit to be a father. It's a very good thing that Theo realizes that he isn't a good person and can't be trusted. Theo doesn't need a person like that in his life, it would only make things worse. I hate to say it, but his father could care less about him or his well being, and neither does Xandra. Theo will only be effected in a negative way by having these people in his life.

Madalin Scally said...

Xandra's relationship with her dog shows a lot about her personality. Her dog, Popper, who she won in raffle, is a ratty, loud Maltese. Xandra doesn't give him much attention except to yell at him when he is barking too loud. While Xandra and Larry went to New York to get Theo, they left Popper at their home in Las Vegas. I think the author put this part in to foreshadow how Xandra would treat Theo. Xandra doesn't have much responsiblity to take care of a dog, let alone her boyfriend's teenager.

Anonymous said...

Xandra and Theo's dad are living a very fast life in Vegas. They spend their time going to the casino, gambling, doing drugs, and trying to make as much money as possible. His father is clearly an addict, so his addiction has changed from alcohol to gambling and drugs. I think that Theo's father acted weird when Theo recieved Hobie's letter because he was expecting money, which he would've happily taken from his son. This is why I disagree which Boris, that Theo's dad is an alright guy. Also, Xandra is very selfish, and this shows in the treatment of her dog. The entire time while in New York she left the dog alone, showing that she doesn't care about it.

Madalin Scally said...

Boris's life is very similar to Theo's; his mother died in an accident and his father is an alcoholic. I think that Boris is a good friend to Theo because they are so similar, and because they both give each other company when there is no one else to care for them. Even though Boris smokes, drinks, and shoplifts, Theo doesn't care as long as he has company. That's why Theo is good company to Boris because he goes along with all that Boris does. Their relationship sort of reminds me of Tom and Theo's friendship. Since Boris has a record of moving from place to place around the world, how long will he and his father stay in Las Vagas?

Matthew Brown said...

The reason Theodore's dad acted so weird about the package, seeing that it was from New York, was because he was thinking a check was coming in the mail. Further in the book we learn that Theodore's Mom has set up a educational fund for Theodore to have a good education if anything where to happen to his mom. His dad then finds out about this then tries to get the money to pay off some loan sharks, since he has a HUGE gambling problem. That is not a good career at all, but what more do we expect from a person who used to be a alcoholic and is currently using drugs. When he saw that it was from Hobie he must have gotten very sad.

Kassidy Desmond said...

The fact that Theo's father gave Theo the champagne and medication with such ease goes to show that, not to any surprise, he is not a good father figure. It shows that the only reason his father came into the picture was for the money Theo's mother left behind for Theo and his education. The fact that Theo drank the alcohol and took the pill and liked the aftermath of it shows that he knows he's not doing the right thing, but he's at the point where he doesn't really care. He lost the most important person in his life and he knows he can't change that.

Amelias Blog said...

Obviously Theo's father can not be trusted. Theo knows his fathers past and he has the right to not trust him. Boris doesn't know all the history and facts within the history. Theo knows that his father is a drinker and has a selfish manner. The father only cares about himself and will do anything to benefit himself and not his son. Maybe the father can mange his outer image better to fool people, but Theo knows that underneath it all is the drunk dead-beat father that he knows. luckily, Theo is smart enough to not trust his father because he knows he is a selfish man. Theo's father is unable to make good decisions, even if he pays more attention to Theo it doesn't mean he should win the father of the year award like Boris may think, he is still an irresponsible and explosive adult. Boris is just blinded by the Façade that Theo's father is giving off, and it's not his fault because he just doesn't know the history.

Amelias Blog said...

When Theo's father gave him the Champagne and the anxiety medication it sickened me. It shows how terrible of a parental figure he is and that he doesn't really care about his own son. Maybe the father doesn't understand the consequences of giving a teenager stuff like that, which is irresponsible and sad. When Theo accepted the stuff though it kind of angered me because I don't understand what the appeal is, but then I realized that he grew up in that environment with his father. He is a teenager, so he is curious. Also you should be able to trust your parents so maybe he was just listening to his father because that's what kids do, follow their parents. He might have also taken it because he just quit at that point, maybe he just felt he needed that release.

Unknown said...

Xandra’s treatment of the dog shows that she doesn’t care about anything but herself. She expects that the dog will take care of it’s self without any work done by her. She then gets mad at the dog for inconveniencing her by reliving its self. She also didn’t properly give the dog clean water and food every day. With this level of neglect the dog could of died and she is angry that the dog is an inconvenience to her. If she had any love for the animal she would of kenneled the dog or given it to a friend to watch over it until they came back from their trip.

Anonymous said...

Theo has already had a rough life. Including his alcoholic father leaving him and his mother. Now he is back with his father and Theo even said he can't be trusted. By his father giving him champagne and anxiety medication it proved that he is an unfit parent. He needs a role model in his life since he lost his. His father can't be that with his ways. He has a tough life he doesn't need his own father to bring it to even worst. If that's the only father figure he can have in his life he's better without.

Unknown said...

Obviously, to Boris, Theo’s dad seems like a normal dad. It makes sense that Boris likes the man who gave his son champagne and anxiety medication, because Boris is used to having an alcoholic father. But, because Theo remembers the love of his rare, beautiful mother, he knows better than to trust his father. Boris does not have a mother like Theo, and, in my opinion, he does not remember her love, because he chooses to do terrible things like drink and shoplift in Vegas. Also, Vegas has had an effect on him as well. Boris has been surrounded by terrible people and terrible morals for so long that they rub off on him and sway his good judgment. I agree with Theo that any unstable man like his father is not fit to be a parent, especially in the city that they’re in, and with the company he keeps. This theory is further proved when Theo’s father tries to use Theo’s education fund (which was set up by his late mother) to pay off his gambling debts. Any caring, logical parent would save that money for the betterment of their child and not be selfish enough to try to take it for their own benefit.

Unknown said...

I think that Theo is correct in saying that his father can't be trusted. Time and time again his father has proven that he isn't a man worthy of much respect. For example, Theo's dad actually gave him champagne and anxiety meds to a teenager. He walked out on him and his mother just because he couldn't face his issues or was too drunk all the time. Later on, it seemed like he was able to sweet talk Theo and spoil him with nice dinners, but in reality it was just a cover up. I took his nice dinners as bribery to keep Theo out of his business. I think his father sees Theo as a burden but keeps him around for the sake of possibly being able to get money from whatever his mother had set aside, thus why he asked Theo to get that $65,000. It's clear more often than not that his father does not have Theo's best interest in mind, only his own.

Anonymous said...

By Mrs. Barbour air kissing Theo when she leaves I believe that she truly does care about Theo but she doesn't want to involve herself or show herself associated with someone of Theo's social class. The Barbours are from an elite class and she doesn't want Theo, a young and orphaned troublemaker to tarnish the family reputation and image. By Theo's father giving his son champagne with anxiety medication shows that he isn't much of a parent as mixing medication with alcohol is dangerous as well as letting his son drink when he is seven years underage. Theo's father doesn't know much about being a parent and treats Theo almost like a business partner when he meets his son again. Xandra simply leaves her dog at home without much care about him. Xandra is careless and the dog soon becomes Theo's as Xandra doesn't play with the dog or and forces it to live outside.

Unknown said...

Xandra’s treatment of the dog tells me that she has no priorities in how she treats people since Theo feels less wanted than the dog. I think Theo’s dad and Sandra are high on the socio-economic ladder, judging from how expensive the book said their cocaine was, until Theo’s dad started losing. Boris is the perfect friend for Theo because his mother is dead and his dad is not very nice, therefore, they understand each other well. Theo is right that his dad shouldn’t be trusted, even though he has Boris sucked in with his charm.

Anonymous said...

In Las Vegas, Theo finds that his dad lives in a neighborhood of foreclosed or abandoned homes. They live a weird life however, Xandra works in a bar and we don't know what his dad does. He is no longer the drunken deadbeat that Theo knew when he lived in New York but he’s still off. They provide Theo with some stability, although it’s not ideal. Theo winds up on his own most of the time, with his dad and Xandra coming and going at odd hours and bringing home cocktail food from the bar. Eventually, his dad reveals that he has a gambling obsession. When he’s on a winning streak things are good, but it never seems to last.

Anonymous said...

I would trust Theo that his father can't be trusted. He's already got a bad rap with not being trust worthy to most others, but if your own son can't trust you, that's gotta be a pretty good indicator. Theo knows of his past, and although people can change, I don't think his father has. He's a drinker and has other anger issues. Nobody like that changes overnight. I could be wrong though. I wouldn't be surprised if this book threw a curve ball.

Shannon Maag said...

Considering Boris having mentioned that in the past he's had to live on the streets, as well as his various comments about the economy, his reaction to Theo's hope of stealing from drunken tourists makes sense in some respects. I think he lives his life from the model that you should only go after people who deserve it and, for the most part, can take care of themselves. He tends to steal from people who generally have (or at least look like they have) a financial standing secure enough to handle it. Stealing from someone when they're down, in this case tourists who have blown their money without thinking about it, doesn't fit into what he envisions as fair. Stealing is both his way of fending for himself and getting back at everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Xandra treats her pure bred Maltese very poorly. The reader becomes appalled at the moment we “walk” in the door of the house. Xandra is oblivious to the fact that leaving the dog without fresh water and attention is wrong. She seems to think the drinking fountain from Petco and the big feeder would suffice. This poor treatment tells us the Xandra doesn’t much about anything but herself. As she walked in the door, the dog jumped on her legs, excited to see her owner. But Xandra was everything but happy to see her dog. She snapped at the dog to get away from her and then yelled at the dog for getting her pants dirty. This just shows her self-centeredness and lack of compassion for anything.

Anonymous said...

Theo's father sees drugs and alcohol as so commonplace that imposing them on his minor son probably didn't even faze him. If it can solve a problem ,even a minor one like his son being nervous about going on a plane, who cares? Xandra seemed to just be a flaky, shallow person not willing to put much work into things that won't give her instant gratification. What I'm saying is that they won't go out of the way to cause the protagonist strife like a Saturday morning cartoon villain, There just selfish people who don't care about others.

Anonymous said...

I think Theo’s father acted so weird about the letter that Hobie sent because he is expecting something from New York. I think he is most likely expecting money. This is probably insurance money from the mother’s death. This could be a possibility because he talked to the insurance company when he came back to New York. I also think he might be getting money for child support or something. I feel like that is one of the main reasons that he even came to get Theo.

I think Theo is right about his father. I don’t think his father can be trusted. He is still a drunk even though he “supposedly” stopped. He also has a very mysterious job with strange phone calls. In addition he leaves Theo at the house alone all the time and never checks up on him. Part of me feels like there is an underlying reason as to why Theo’s father actually went and got Theo in the first place.

I don’t think Xandra can take Theo much longer. Xandra was already caught on the phone talking about how she didn’t sign up for a kid and how annoying Theo is. Theo and Xandra might warm up to each other a bit, but I think Xandra won’t last much longer. She wants to go back to the days when it was just her and Theo’s father.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Boris understands the situation that Theo's father left he and his mother in, as well as the behavior he conveyed even before he left Theo. Theo is right to say that he can't be trusted. Bad habits remain to those who aren't willing to break them. Theo's father is not a true father to Theo, obviously with giving him alcohol at an illegal age. Addictions are extremely difficult to overcome, but I think Theo's father is okay with the life he's living- drugs, alcohol, and gambling, a destructive combination.

Unknown said...

Reading further, I feel that the Barbours don't like Theo in their home. That Mrs. B only liked the publicity which made her look like a good person. When dad and Xandra showed up and also the talk about going to the grandparents, I feel that Mrs. B was on the phone always in the background trying to get him out of her house. Especially which how Mr. B acted when Theo ran into him when he went back to New York. It revealed that the Barbours weren't really fond of Theo. When Mrs. B gave him the air kiss, I think that she felt sorry for him but she wasn't going to do anything about it. That she knew going with dad was a bad idea but at least she didn't have him anymore. After Theo left, they barely kept in contact with him and this shows their character and what social classes can do to people.

Anonymous said...

Walden is about Henry David Thoreau’s time spent in nature and his reflection of the simplicity of it. The irony of that book, is that at the time Theo is in Las Vegas, one of the most materialistic cities in America. I feel like that book was chosen to emphasize Theo’s fathers materialistic habits and lifestyle. By showing us that contrasts, Tartt brings out the oppositions. Great Expectations is about Pip, an orphan boy and his journey into adulthood and into a gentleman. In both cases with Pip and Theo, they face less than kind adults in their journey’s. I think that Tartt uses these allusions to guide us through Theo’s life. She almost uses them like a review, and possibly to foreshadow the future events to take place in Theo’s life.

Anonymous said...

Theo's father giving him champagne and anxiety medication with no thought shows how little he actually cares for the well being of Theo. It's not just the action of giving him the champagne or medication that prove he's bad because many parents will give their children a sip of champagne or some form of medication to help their child, it's just the way that he does it that shows he's a bad father. He has absolutely no regard for how much of either he gives him Xandra has to stop him from giving Theo too much of the anxiety medication something he didn't even think about and then Theo had so much champagne he went back to the Barbour's drunk. His dad wouldn't have cared if Theo downed all the pills and chased them with the champagne because he doesn't care about Theo. Theo accepting both the champagne and pills show how he wants whatever he can to ease the situation. Whether it be getting drunk or having anxiety pills put him into a medicated high/ sleep state. He will do anything to get himself out of the situation he's in.

Unknown said...

Boris is the perfect friend for Theo now that he is in Vegas because the two boys' lives are quite similar. Much like Theo's dad, Boris's father abuses alcohol and never is home. Boris also doesn't have a mother and the two are just in very similar points in their lives. Theo finally found someone that's accepting of him and he totally relates to him because he understands his lifestyle. Something very disturbing about Boris's life is the fact that his father beats him and then tries to make up for it by giving him things. The most awful part is this behavior is normal to the poor kid.

Anonymous said...

Boris seems to be a very good human depiction of Las Vegas, sin and and bad decision making. Boris is able to understand Theo's situation because of his own rough upbringing. Boris is not a good influence, but he is an influence. He is there. His father, who also is not the best influence, is not always there for Theo. This man is not used to life with a son and has not adapted yet. He gives Theo champagne and anxiety medication and that could be not because he does not care, but because he does not know any better. Theo and his father's relationship could grow and with the growth of that relationship, Theo's father is going to be able to be there for Theo in many different ways.

Anonymous said...

The use of Walden and Great Expectations is incredibly clever. Great Expectations is about a young man who becomes a wealthy gentleman and marries a beautiful woman; with the help of certain people. Walden is the opposite; it is about self reliance. They use Walden to show that Theo feels like he has to rely on himself emotionally since his mother died.

Anonymous said...

Just as Nicole said, it's a cliche to assume a lot about a person based off of their relationship with their dog; Xandra is no exception to this understanding. While traveling across the country, Xandra leaves her dog with no type of human care. Rather, she finds a watering tank to be all he could need. This shows the lack of responsibility Xandra possesses, not only towards Poppy, but towards those in her life as well. Poppy represents Xandra's inability to think of anything long-term. Poppy was won in a raffle, and has had poor maintenance since. The only attention given to the dog is when it begins to bark or act up, and only then is it scrutinized rather than taught the right thing to do. This for me is foreshadowing the type of motherly figure Xandra will be for Theo. Just like Poppy, Theo was not originally on the agenda of Xandra's life, rather just handed to her. She makes it clear on a phone call that she is anything but thrilled about having to allow Theo to live with her, she is not a 'soccer mom'. She pays little attention to him, and allows him to provide his own food, drinks, and transportation everywhere. I don't see Xandra caring for anybody aside from her self, she has little to no regard for anything around her; including the child of the man she apparently loves.

Matthew_S said...

I would agree with both characters in that Theo's dad is not all bad but he's not all to good either. I agree with Boris that Theo’s father has gotten much better since he has stopped drinking hard liquor, no more yelling and throwing things around the house. I also agree with Theo that his father is not a good man at all. Theo’s dad is very prone to addiction, with this when he did “stop” drinking, he actually just replaced that habit for a dangerous gambling addiction. Theo’s dad is probably a good person and I believe that he shows this by trying to spend some time with his son taking him to dinner and such, but when his addictive habits overwhelm him, all of the hatred and emotions come out on Theo.

Taylor Fillmore said...

Boris sees Theos father as not such a bad guy only because Boris is a bad influence on Theo. He teachers Theo how to swear, drink, steal, and do drugs. Boris does not know the difference between right and wrong therefore his opinion on Theos dad is swayed. Theos dad cannot be trusted. He left Theo and his mom out of the blue and who is to say he wont leave Theo alone again? He is an alcoholic and a drug abuser who was never in Theos life and still has not earned his right to be there.

Anonymous said...

Theo's father will do just about anything so he doesn't have to watch over his son. This shows when his father gives him champagne. At this point in the book Theo is only 13 and is way to young to be drinking, even in his current situation. The anxiety medication on the other hand allows Theo to let loose and just forget about everything (his mother, Vegas, Hobie) for a little bit. Theo is both cases like what was given to him. This shows that he is more like his father then he realizes. Theo would do just about anything to atop the pain of losing his mother and having to go live with his alcoholic dad and girlfriend, Xandra. As the novel progresses Theo drinks and uses drugs very often and slowly turns into his father’s son.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 5
I agree with Theo over his best friend, Boris, about the fact that Theo’s father cannot be trusted. The man not only left Theo and his mother before, but also treated Theo with disrespect and anger when he still lived with both of them. His father was not ready to have the responsibility of a child nor was he ready to quit all his bad habits that follow him around. Theo’s father is not the type of a father figure for anyone to have in their life. The only reason Boris does not think his father is such a bad guy is because Boris has the same bad habits as his father, which make him a terrible influence to have has a friend. Theo contradicts himself by hating his father for all the things he has done to Theo and the way he has treated him, but Boris does the exact same types of things as his father, which I do not understand.

Anonymous said...

When Theo's father gives him the champagne and pills, it proves that he is not a good parent for Theo. He doesn't seem to care about how Theo is dealing with his mother's death. Giving theo the pills and champagne, his gambling habbits, being an alcoholic, and simple carelessness shows how irresponsible of a person he is, and should not be a father, especially in this situation. Although Theo needs a father figure in his life, living with his own father will probably do more harm than good.

Anonymous said...

Theo's father is not a good man at all, hes a raging alcoholic who doesn't care for his kid or even about him. When his father gives him both meds and champagne it just shows that his father doesn't care about his son and it shows that he is not a very smart person altogether. Even though Theo accepts these drugs and this alcohol and takes them it shows that he is not very smart and just wants some of his pain suppressed. Both of them though are not very smart people, but his father has a very addictive personality and you can definitely see that he has some of his father in him. Especially since he likes it, but I think Theo's ultimate goal was to try and get away from all that has been and in his life.

Unknown said...

Xandra's treatment about the dog tells me that she is not responsible for caring for living things. She also might be very busy somewhere to not take care of the dog. They also don't like to spend money on frivolous things like a kennel. If both Xandra and Theo's dad can't take care of a simple dog, what makes them think they can care for Theo. Boris makes a perfect friend for Theo because they both have mothers who have died. Their fathers are rarely at home to take care of them. The fathers also drink heavily. Boris enjoy's Theo's presence because Theo is someone who he can spend time with. Boris has a best friend that he didn't seem to have when they were in different countries. In other countries, like Australia, Boris only had the wife of the owner of a petrol station to talk to. In Ukraine, he had two friends and no one really else.

Unknown said...

I'm trusting my gut feeling when I say that theo's father cant be trusted. Obviously its a big red flag that he isn't capable of being a good dad to theo When he gives anxiety medication and champagne to theo. What kind of parent does that? He left theo and his mom without a dime and he thinks he can waltz back into Theo's life like nothing changed? He's funny! When theo liked the mixture, I automatically thought he was going to grow up like his father. His fathers attitude is the same as it was in the past. Instead of playing board games or watching a movie with their kid like a normal parent, he has to start a path to ruin Theo's life even more then it already is. He is taking advantage of Theo's lack of knowledge on drug and alcohol abuse. If theo knows what's good for him, he will tell his father to go back under the rock he crawled out of.

Unknown said...

I'm trusting my gut feeling when I say that theo's father cant be trusted. Obviously its a big red flag that he isn't capable of being a good dad to theo When he gives anxiety medication and champagne to theo. What kind of parent does that? He left theo and his mom without a dime and he thinks he can waltz back into Theo's life like nothing changed? He's funny! When theo liked the mixture, I automatically thought he was going to grow up like his father. His fathers attitude is the same as it was in the past. Instead of playing board games or watching a movie with their kid like a normal parent, he has to start a path to ruin Theo's life even more then it already is. He is taking advantage of Theo's lack of knowledge on drug and alcohol abuse. If theo knows what's good for him, he will tell his father to go back under the rock he crawled out of.

Unknown said...

Theo's dad is not the caregiver type. I believe he is not a good role model, or parent to Theo. I think he needs to get some addictions taken care of before he can care for anything, let alone take care of another person. I think that there is numerous instances to back up the statement that Theo's "dad" is not a dad at all. First he walked out on Theo and theo's mom, secondly he has addictions that CLEARLY affect his judgement, and thirdly and most importantly he gave his underage child a mixture of drugs. It doesn't make sense to me why he would do any of these things but I get a strong feeling that the "rekindling" of this relationship between father and son is not going to be happening.

Anonymous said...

Xandra's treatment of the dog tells us that she is uncaring and that she does not care about the dog. In a way, Theo is like the dog because he feels less wanted than her Maltese.

Also, when Theo's father gives him champagne and anxiety medication, it proves that his father is not a good parent for him and that his father does not really care about his well-being considering that mixing alcohol and medication can make you deathly ill. It tells us that Theo has an addictive personality and that he is, in some ways, like his father deep down.

Anonymous said...

I think Boris is the perfect friend for Theo in a rather odd sense. Boris has led a troubled and interesting life for anyone, especially anybody so young. That alone can attract somebody's attention, knowing another has gone through so many things and is still surviving. I think at the time being Theo needed to be reminded that everyone has their own battles, and many have it even worse than you. Theo finds comfort in somebody that does not have parental guidance, because he lacks it too. Between Theo and Boris, they are practically living for themselves trying to figure out the world; in their eyes a perfect combination. Although many of the activities the two boys partake in are not healthy, they serve as lessons as to how quickly their lives can become much like those they least admire. Boris has an old quality to him, watching old movies and having everything out-of-date; much like the art Theo grew up around.

Unknown said...

What I find disturbing about Boris's life is that his dad beats him for doing nothing wrong. This happens both in the past and now. I should be disturbed that he steal, but his dad is never there. I think it is wrong that Boris drinks that much alcohol in a day. He shouldn't be having any alcohol as he is underage, but to be drinking four cans of beer before dinner is wrong. Another thing in Boris's past is that he has pick-pocket. I shouldn't be so worried about that because his dad is never there. Speaking of his dad, it is wrong to seem that he goes and works at the mines for three weeks at a time without coming home. Xandra and Theo's dad's life is full of gambling and trying to hide it from Theo. It seems that their socioeconomic ladder is quite high as they seem to have a luxury car, a huge house and a pool. They also have a lot of expensive jewelry. Even though their economic ladder is high, it seems that their social ladder isn't as they are always doing shady deals with drug dealers and they don't bring anyone else home, unlike Boris's dad, who brings women over.

Unknown said...

Theo's father was never a caregiver and never showed an interest in Theo's life. He hands Theo alcohol and addictive prescription medication to a young child and if that doesn't show us immediately that Theo's father has no business being a caretaker, I don;t know what will. He is obviously an addict and walked out years before leaving nothing behind but a quick little note leaving no address or contact information. And I agree with Lexi, there is almost no way of their father son relationship being "rekindled".

Melanie Moore said...

Boris and Theo are emotionally great for each other at this stage in their lives. Both come from broken families and have suffered the untimely death of their mothers. Both have been uprooted from their favorite places in the world and moved around just because they are kids, not because someone is looking out for their best interests. They are both too smart and too sad for the rest of the school population to understand. There's nothing more difficult to find as a teenager than someone who you feel understands you completely. In each other, they found someone that they could relate to. If they only had one person who cared enough to make sure they were staying out of trouble, this friendship would be perfectly acceptable. Unfortunately, neither of them are making healthy decisions.

Heli Patel said...

When Mrs. Barbour air-kisses Theo, it shows that she really does have affecrion towards him. Her behavior shows that she was glad to be able to help Theo during his roughest time. But, like Patrick said, she also knows that she can't be involved in his life for too long because of their differing social castes. Mrs. Barbour is rich while Theo is an orphaned teenager that would be sure to ruin the Barbours social image, which is a big deal for the rich. The fact that Theo's father gave Theo champagne and anxiety meds just reinforces the fact that he's a horrible father with only selfish interests. Theo taking both the drink and the medicine shows that he is a typical teenager when it comes to being curious about new things. It also shows that he doesn't really care anymore about things us teens are constantly warned against because of his huge loss.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Barbour showed that even though she was cold she still was happy to have him there. It came to the the point Theo was part of the family and he would have been going on the family vacation and hopefully be officially adopted by them. But his father arrived and it was like her child being taken away. Now with Xandra's dog this shows she is not motherly at all. She's not the nurturing type and probably didn't want to have children. So Theo being there was a big speed bump in her plans.

Emily Kuhn said...

Despite what Boris says, I believe Theo is right to not trust his father. Just because he appears to be a changed man now does not mean that he is. It is very hard for a person to change their personality, even arguably impossible. When he was with Theo and his mom, he was temperamental, violent, careless, and among other thing a very bad alcoholic. I doubt these things have changed in the course of less than a year. The fact that he offered Theo champagne and anxiety medication is proof that his father is still very careless when it comes to other people. Boris does not know these things shoe may look at Theo's father in a different light. Still, I think Theo is smart. His father is still more or less the man who mistreated and abandoned his family and should not be trusted.

Patrick Modrowski said...

Theo and Boris are pretty much literally perfect for each other. The emotional status they both have makes them a great pair. They both had their mothers pass when they were young and have had to do what others wanted by moving around which wasn't even for them. It's very special that they were both able to find someone that knows exactly how they feel because of both their young age and specific emotional traumas that they've experienced

Unknown said...

I think Goldie rushed Theo out of the building because he wanted him to get a fresh start. Also Goldie mentioned new rules so maybe he didn't want to get in trouble for talking and keeping Theo's back not logged in; he could also not be aloud there. Theo was going to LA and Goldie always talks about going back home to the nice weather. When he put Theo into the taxi he talks about enjoying the nice weather. Plus after they left things went down hill there so maybe he feels like it will happen again.

Anonymous said...

When Theo's father left their family, it was obvious that he didn't care about either of them anymore. That is why I was extremely suspicious when he showed up out of the blue to take him back to Vegas and be his caregiver. This must mean that he was offered or knows about some money that he will receive if he takes care of Theo. Maybe that's why he acted so strange about the letter Theo received from New York, he was most likely hoping it was some money that he could take and keep for himself. Theo's father offering him alcohol and medication to calm him instead of talking to him and comforting him shows that he doesn't really care about Theo, he is just keeping him there to help with an ulterior motive. Xandra's uncaring and cold attitude toward him just solidifies my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Even though Boris had gotten Theo into drugs, drinking, and shoplifting, he also gave Theo something his dad never had given him; the comfort of knowing that at someone had his back while he was settling into his new home in LA. Almost intently the two had a connection with their similar sad experiences with losing their mothers, having to switch from home to home, and having their remaining parent not always around or the most loving. Boris provided Theo with the companionship that he needed to make the unwanted move to live with his father not as bad as he first thought it would be. Alongside the companionship the two gave each other, they also took care of each other by shared everything, money, food, and even their homes so neither of them had to go hungry or worry about staying with a violent, drunken parent.

Rebekka Daniel said...

Theo's father acted really weird about the first letter Hobie sent. Why do you think he acted so oddly? What might he be expecting from New York?

Theo mentioned towards the beginning of the book that people would sometimes wind up looking for his dad for one reason or another (usually money) at their apartment building. Theo's father lives the type of life where he needs to be on edge all the time because (my guess) people probably want him dead. He most likely left New York (not just because of Mrs. Decker)because someone was after him when he was in a drunken rage and the possibility of that person/group finding him in Vegas startled him.

Rebekka Daniel said...

Almost all aspects of Boris' life seem pretty screwed up to me. When Theo finally confided in him about the day Theo's mother died, Boris was completely unaffected by this news because he apparently dealt with explosions all the time with his dad's work. This is particularly disturbing to me because the day of the explosion was the major negative turning point in Theo's life and Boris seems as if he's accustomed to it. In the context of the question you are probably looking for a more deep answer than the one i am about to give, but to me the fact that Boris is about 13 or 14 years old and is drunk or high 90% of the time is completely unsettling. Don't even get me started of how inexpressive he is over his fathers' beatings.

Unknown said...

When Theos father hands him champagne, and later on addictive medication, it proves that he hasn't changed since he left Theo and his mother. I feel that the only way theos father knows how to deal with any kind of feelings is to self medicate with drugs and alcohol like in the past. The fact that Theo then actually likes the effect of both the champagne and pills makes me wonder if his father has influenced him enough to become self-destructive. Theo's father is a careless, selfish man who has never and will never care about anyone but himself. Theo needs a good role model and parent in his life. Not only does he need a role model and someone to look after him, but someone to be there for him and that he can count on like he counted on his mother.

Anonymous said...

Xandra almost reminds me of a teenage girl who's about to go to college. The way she just left popper lose all week, without any supervision or company shows that she many not be as caring and thoughtful. When asked about the conditions popper lives in, she just brushed it off as if the dog is fine and can take care of its self. Also, she talked about how she won it in an auction, and there was no sense of love or care for the poor animal. I believe the author may be trying to foreshadow how Theo will live when he stays with her and his father. It shows that he will be unsupervised, uncared for, and let loose to do whatever he wants as long as it isn't bothersome to Xandra or his father.

Anonymous said...

Is Boris right...that Theo's dad is not such a bad guy? Or is Theo right...his father just can't be trusted? Explain your thoughts

I think Boris is wrong and Theo is right. Throughout the book, Theo repeatedly states that his father has a certain charm that makes everyone he first meets fall in love with him. I believe that Boris was a victim to his fathers charm. After seeing how his father left them, cut off all contact, and still doesn't act how a parent should, Theo's father is no different then before. Theo understands this first hand, especially since he can see right past his fathers charm. Boris only sees what Theo's father wants him to see, just like everyone else. He also tries to manipulate Boris by purposely telling him about how great Theo is and how much he loves him, just so Theo will look to his fathers good side. Although this doesn't work well because Theo brushes it off, knowing that his father is trying to get at something.

Anonymous said...

Theo's father does not have very much experience being a responsible father to his kid. He was drunk for most of the time which Theo has stated multiple of times. He was trying to help his son, just not the right way. His intentions were a little out of the box giving an underaged kid alcohol and drugs. This also shows us that Theo isn't far off from his father's mistakes. Alcohol is a depressant and I think just like his father he wants to numb the pain that he has kept inside for so long.

Anonymous said...

Xandra's treatment of the dog tells us she is not a motherly figure for Theo. She has no desire to take care of anyone but herself. Theo's father and Xandra are free spirits in Las Vegas. They live a reckless life that could only lead to trouble. The only person who takes care of Theo is himself and sometimes his father or Xandra. They stay out late letting Theo have no boundaries. In my opinion they have not chosen to grow up but stay young forever. Theo's father and Xandra are unstable and should not be taking care of a child how is clearly in pain and needs parents who will take care and love him.

Anonymous said...

Boris has had an interesting life that has had its ups and downs. He has seen the world and is very intuitive with other languages, but he has an unstable family life just like Theo. He also has a father how has a drinking problem. He is uncontrollable actions that can lead to bruises and broken ribs for Boris. I find it disturbing for Boris to have such a abusive relationship with his father but does nothing about it. He would rather deal with the gashes, bruises and blood than being deported.