Thursday, August 19, 2010

Chapter 53: Whoa! Pip Got Orlicked!

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That's right...I made up a new verb...Orlicked.

Orlick has some legitimate beefs with Pip. Which of these beefs seems to have hurt him the most? Why?

Orlick says Compeyson works for him now. Do you think this is actually the way it is?

What has happened to Orlick? How did he escape -- drunk -- from three able-bodied men?

Who could be Orlick's double?


Robin Brown said...

I agree that Orlick does have major "beef" with Pip hahah. The beef with this girl is I think what is most bothering him. He claims that Pip ruined whatever he had with this girl and is out to seek revenge on him for this. Orlick escaped from the three men, which I feel is unrealistic because he was drunk and the other THREE men were not, but I feel that he will come into play in the novel again shortly, possibly with Compeyson. I think that Compeyson could be his double because Orlick claimed that they were working together now.

ashley.lopez said...

Orlicked, I like it, now I'll have to try and use it. The biggest beef that Orlick has with Pip is probably when Pip hurt Orlick's job at Miss Havisham's house. Though I think the Biddy thing hurt, I think that the thing with Miss Havisham really sent him over the edge because it probably felt like Pip just won't go away, and ruined the opportunity to have a job that Orlick was proud of. Orlick definitely does not have Compeyson working for him; Compeyson has Orlick working for him. There is just no way that Orlick would have found all that information about Pip on his own, especially not the information about Magwitch, which wouldn't have been important to Orlick anyway. Compeyson probably helped Orlick escape and is Orlick's double.

elizabeth smith said...

Between Pip's apprenticeship with Joe, Pip's action to remove Orlick from working at Miss Havisham's, and the belief that Pip ruined Orlick's chances with Biddy, Orlick is genuinely angry with Pip. The beef that has seemed to hurt Orlick the most would probably be Pip's apprenticeship. If Joe wouldn't have had Pip as an apprentice, the other two beefs probably would not be in place. The other two beefs were built upon this jealousy that Orlick had of Pip. None of the "beefs" however are really a reason to try to kill Pip. Orlick is being rather absurd in his efforts to kill Pip, which allows us to believe that there are other motives behind the obvious
"beefs". As far as Orlick saying Compeyson works for him, this is most likely not the case. If anybody works for anybody, Orlick would be working for Compeyson, not the other way around. Compeyson is an educated man of the rich upper class and Orlick has been a common uneducated man. Compeyson seems to be popping up a lot lately in the novel and is probably behind this one too. He most likely helped Orlick escape and is his double.

Courtney Thomas said...

Pip has seemed to have caused a lot of "beef" with Orlick. The main situation that seems to bother Orlick the most is Pip's intervention between him and Biddy. Orlick accuses Pip of ruining what they could of had and states his intentions of revenge. Personally I highly doubt Compeyson works for him but rather Compeyson is using Orlick to get revenge on Magwitch through Pip. The situation where Orlick somehow managed to escape three sober people while he was drunk seems questionable. I find this hard to believe but maybe someone else assisted his escape. I have a feeling Orlick's double is Compeyson because Orlick said he is working with him and somehow knows a lot of history about Magwitch who he has no connection to.

Olivia Contreras said...

I'm going to be completely honest here and say that I didn't catch the idea that Compeyson has Orlick working for him. After reading the blogs it completely makes sense even though I didn't come up with the idea myself. I also don't think that it is one specific "beef" that has set Orlick off; I believe it to be an "all of the above" situation. It's the fact that Pip cost Orlick a job at Miss. Havisham's house, and Pip's supposed interference with Biddy, and also Pip's apprenticeship. As for Orlick's escape, I think he just got lucky and there was an opening in between that struggle and he was able to escape.

RachelKoepke said...

I think Orlick is just looking for someone to blame. (Spoiler Alert) I think that Orlick is angry at the fact that Joe and Biddy ended up together, when he liked Biddy himself. He blames the death of Miss Havisham on Pip, but Orlick's reasoning is very weak. I think it is highly unrealistic that Orlick was able to escape from three sober men, but because he did escape means that he will be shown later in the novel, and Dickens wasn't done with him yet. It was also obvious that people would come to Pip's rescue, due to earlier in the novel, he realizes he drops the note. If there is reason to mention it, it must come into play later in the novel.

Melissa Pigg said...

I believe that Orlick has so much beef towards Pip because of everything he did, but I also think that the Biddy situation was the worse one for him to handle. I think Orlick's double could be Compeyson. Also, I don't understand how Orlick escaped. That was kinda annoying because there were three guys standing there and surely not all three were trying to help Pip.

Kelcey Garner said...

Orlick believes that every set-back he has encountered has Pip's hands all over it. Pip taking over as apprentice for Joe, kicked Orlick out of the position. Orlick getting fired after Pip has visited Miss Havishams, brings suspicion to Orlicks mind. When Pip tried to deny the fact that Estella would fall for him, and then begs Estella not to marry Orlick, brings Orlick to believe that Pip has made it his duty to ruin Orlicks life until he has nothing else to live for. I can see Compeyson working for Orlick, Orlick will try anything to bring Pip down, and Compeyson will do anything to bring Magwitch down, they actually make a great team, only if Orlick didnt ruin it by trying to kill him before the plan of capturing Magwitch happened. Orlick has became stronger as you see, and has men on his side, thats the only possible way he could have escaped three able-bodied men. Compeyson is the only man that i can see who could be Orlicks double, which wouldn't surprise me, they have many characteristics that are alike.

Lauren Carter said...

I think the reason why Orlick is so upset with Pip is that Pip has always been a step above Orlick. Orlick obviously was jealous of Pip because of Pip's superiority over him with Joe, Biddy, and Miss Havisham. Orlick just wants to get rid of him, because he wants to be the better one. Just because Orlick wants to feel higher than Pip he says that he Compeyson works for him, but I'm sure it's the other way around. Compeyson is obviously a manipulative character and Orlick isn't very bright. Compeyson probably hired Orlick to kill Pip for Magwitch's fortune, and Orlick happily obliged.

Anonymous said...

I feel like we're all going to have to incorporate "orlicked" into our AP english vocabulary throughout the year hahaaa :)
Orlick has many problems with Pip, but I think the one that hurts him the most is Biddy's interest in Pip rather than him. Emotionally, this had to be the toughest situation for Orlick to handle, even though some of the other problems he has with Pip are more severe, such as ruining his position at the Havisham residence. I don't really see Compeyson working for Orlick; Orlick doesn't seem bright enough to have Compeyson working under him. I do, however, believe that Orlick could in fact be working for Compeyson. Orlick's double must be Compeyson; it makes sense if the two are in league with each other. As for how he escaped, I beleive it was sure luck mixed with the confusion.

Jordan Felkey said...

Out of all the “beefs” between Pip and Orlick, I would have to say that Orlick mainly seeks revenge on Pip because he ruined any possibility of Orlick being with Biddy. Orlick probably feels that Pip played Biddy in order to take her away from him. Even though it may not have been the case, Orlick probably assumes that he would have had Biddy to himself if it had not been for Pip’s intervention. As for the statement that Orlick makes about Compeyson working for him now, I doubt that is the case. Orlick probably still works for Compeyson, and he probably always will. Unless for some reason Compeyson made an agreement to work for Orlick if he was able to capture Pip. I’m not really sure. I’m also not really sure as to how Orlick was able to escape from the three men who attacked him. Perhaps he had someone else hiding nearby in case something went wrong. If not, he probably just got lucky and found a gap to escape through.

JillianWeiss said...

I can't decide if Orlick has legitimate beefs with Pip, or is just upset, but with the addition of alcohol, turns them into legitimate beefs. He seems most hurt by Pip taking his girl away from him, but I'm sure Pip can console with him. Again, the drunkeness comes into play when Orlick talks about Compeyson working for him. He also admits to attempting to kill Mrs. Joe, which I believe he wouldn't have done if sober. But the biggest question is how Orlick disapeared, when Herbert came to save Pip. In my opinion, I think the three men were too worried about saving Pip, especially with his pre-existing conditions, to go capture Orlick.