Friday, March 08, 2013

Exam Review for Novels

Shipping News:

What does Petal Bear do with the children once she leaves Quoyle?
What happens to Quoyle’s parents?
Why doesn’t Quoyle want to get a boat?
Who had the Dutch boat previously belonged to?
What quality of Quoyle’s makes him so good at reporting in Ed Punch’s view?
What happens to Quoyle as a result of his writing a feature article on the Tough Baby?
What two things does Jack assign Quoyle to cover?
What is a Home boy?
What did the Gaze Island Quoyles do for a living?
What is in the suitcase that Quoyle opens at the end of this section?
What happened to Wavey’s husband?
How does Wavey make money?
What is the reason that Jack assigned Nutbeem to sexual assault stories?
How is it possible for all of the residents of Nunny Bay Cove to get a new house?
What do all the criminals start doing in order to avoid jail time?
What happens to the man with all the “fancy mainland dogs”?
What did Les Budgel (Alvin Yark’s uncle) build for himself…his last project?
What are Herry and Wavey doing when Quoyle looks in the window?
What does Wavey get for the girls from her brother Oscar?
What is the symbolism found in the person of Jack Buggitt?

Black Boy:

 In the beginning of the book, how does Richard respond to his grandmother’s illness and his mother’s subsequent warning about being good?
Why does Richard give up his job selling newspapers?
When Richard’s Uncle Tom tries to beat him for speaking plainly, how does Richard respond?
When Richard shows his short story to a girl he knows, what is her response?
When Richard refuses to read his principal’s prepared speech at graduation, how does the community respond?
When Richard is bullied by two white men at the optical house, what does he decide to do?
For what reason does Richard keep losing his jobs?

Why do Harrison and Richard agree to fight?
Why does Richard accept baptism?
Why does Richard leave his first job with an optical company?
What does Richard discover in Memphis once he arrives?
Why is Uncle Hoskins killed by white people?
What is Richard's first published story called ?
What does Richard do when Uncle Tom tries to beat him in the back yard?
What religious denomination did Richard's grandmother belong to?
How would Richard's relationship with his maternal grandmother best be described?
How would Richard's adult attitude toward his father best be described?
Why is Richard's grandfather embittered and disappointed?
Why does Richard begin to bootleg liquor in the hotel?         
Why does Richard feel that Uncle Tom has no right to punish or beat him?
Who warns his children not to speak with Richard?
What does Richard's mother do when he tells her that he is hungry?
Before Richard gives his graduation speech, what does he do in preparation?
What is Richard's first impression of Mrs. Moss?   
What is Richard's first attempt at writing about?
Angela’s Ashes:

Why did Malachy and Angela marry?
What does Malachy make the boys do when he comes home drunk?
Where do the McCourts spend the night when they are unable to get money from the war pension in Dublin?
Why are the McCourts strangers wherever they go?
Besides his drinking problem, why does Malachy have a hard time finding work?
What causes young Malachy’s visit to the hospital that results in Frankie’s tonsillectomy?
Why does Frankie perform made-up dances in his parent’s kitchen?
What reward do the students get from Dotty for answering questions correctly?
How does Paddy’s father know Angela?
What kind of an influence does Mr. Timoney have on Frankie?
What Christmas gift does Frankie’s dad bring home from England?
How do the two rooms in Frankie’s house become one room?
What chore does Frankie have to do in order to get the use of Laman’s bike?
Name two instances in which the Church slams the door in Frankie’s face.
Why is Frankie banished from the library?
What predicament occurs due to Frankie washing his clothes?
Why is Frankie so affected by the death of Theresa Carmody?
What job does Mrs. Finucane give to Frankie?
Why does page 16 of John O’London’s Weekly need to be torn out of every copy?
How does Frankie acquire the last bit of money he needs to go to America?


νέα Χαλκίδας said...
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romeo makropoulos said...
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