Monday, August 29, 2011

The Dreaded Essay

OK...It has been requested that I post the writing prompt on the blog, so I will do so. Afterwards, I will give some advice to help you write a solid paper. Should you have any questions about writing the paper, please put them on this post...that way I can answer them here for everyone. Therefore, before you ask your question, read through what has already been asked and answered so there are no repeat questions. So, here goes:

Essay Question

Science fiction often involves social criticism. Write a 3-4 page paper explaining what parts of the social world are being criticized by these novels and explain how the authors create the criticism within the framework of their stories.

I expect a solid introduction and conclusion. Your paper should reflect extensive knowledge of the novels and insightful analysis. Show me what you know.

The essay should be typed in 12 point font (Times New Roman or Courier New). It should be double-spaced and have one-inch margins all around. I will be looking at your grammar usage and spelling as part of your grade on this paper, so have someone read it over before you turn it in to me.

Remember, the paper should be 3-4 pages in length…not 4 pages, not 2.5 pages. Be concise and precise.

Again, the paper is due on the first day of class and will act as your pass into my class. You will also have an objective test over the novel on the first day of class.

The paper should also be formatted in the MLA Style. If you don't know what that looks like, consult the OWL at Purdue website (On-Line Writing Lab). Just Google it.

I don't want you to use sources for your paper. I want your own thoughts and insights. You may consult various sources to develop your own definition of literature, but since it is considered common knowledge, you won't have to cite those sources.

Most important: solid thesis statement and solid, specific support from the novel. You only have 3-4 pages, so I don't expect every iota of support you can find. Use the best of what you have. Make sure that your support comes from various parts of the novel, indicating that you have knowledge of the novel as a whole.

Again, all other questions should be posted below.

See you on Tuesday.


Alexis Baker said...

Instead of the page number, could I put chapter numbers in the quotes? Because I know everyone has different page numbers for The Road..

larchmeany said...

No, just use page numbers. We'll deal with the version issue later.

Alexis Baker said...

Okieeee. Thanks! c: