Sunday, September 11, 2011

Paragraph Support Work

(Photo Credit:

Here is the work we did on how to support ideas in an essay using quotes from a story. Use these ideas as a jumping off point for your own paper.

Example 1: Due to the news of her husband’s death, the mood of the story would most likely be depressing and full of grief. Instead, in paragraphs 5-6, the mood appears to be hopeful. Typically, the setting most used to create a depressed mood is gray or stormy skies. In paragraph 6, however, the narrator uses “patches of blue sky” to describe the view from Louise’ window. This blue sky represents the clear, bright future she expects now that her husband is history.

Example 2: In paragraph 5 of the story, there are several details that do not fit the expected tone of the situation. Considering the fact that Louise Mallard has just learned of her husband’s death, it is reasonable to expect the tone to be one of grieving. However, the tone comes through as hopeful and joyful when the outside landscape is described. As Mrs. Mallard looks out into the square, Chopin describes the view as showing “the tops of the trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life.” The mention of the “new spring life” evokes a hopeful tone due to its allusion to rebirth, an allusion that doesn’t fit a death scene.

Example 3: In paragraph 5 of the story, there are several details that do not fit the expected tone of the situation. Considering the fact that Louise Mallard has just learned of her husband’s death, it is reasonable to expect the tone to be one of grieving. However, the tone comes through as hopeful and joyful when the outside landscape is described. Chopin begins the paragraph by describing the view out the window: “She could see in the open square before her house the tops of the trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life.” The mention of the “new spring life” evokes a hopeful tone due to its allusion to rebirth, an allusion that doesn’t fit a death scene.


Ryan "Scott Earl" Seals said...
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Ryan "Scott Earl" Seals said...

The cybernetic monkey pigs stole the still beating cybernetic heart of Pip and brought it back to their cybernetic monkey lair to feed it to their cybernetic offspring cybernetically The cybernetic monkey pigs stole the still beating cybernetic heart of Pip and brought it back to their cybernetic monkey lair to feed it to their cybernetic offspring cybernetically The cybernetic monkey pigs stole the still beating cybernetic heart of Pip and brought it back to their cybernetic monkey lair to feed it to their cybernetic offspring cybernetically

oneworld said...

Nice post.Thanks for sharing.......