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Source: http://theempire.hubpages.com |
Oskar's grandmother states, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance." What does this statement tell us about the character and their relationship?
When did his grandma move? Where did she move to?
Why is it so important that Oskar's grandfather's hands didn't lose their roughness? What caused them to remain coarse?
Her mother's pearls are mentioned a few times. Is this significant? If so, why? Explain.
Why was she thinking of shoes?
"He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." What is the significance of this quote? What does it tell us?
While helping her to learn about makeup, her mother cries. Why?
Why does Oskar's grandmother get rid of all the pers from the apartment?
When I read the quote about grandma’s father, it stuck out because of how true it is. Parents always want their child to have a peaceful state-of-mind. They don’t want anything bad to happen to their children, so they make them believe that nothing is wrong in order to keep the children calm. Grandma’s father tells grandma that everything will be ok because he wants to protect her from the world. He hates what the world is turning into and will do anything to keep her from harm’s way, so he lies and tells her ‘everything will be ok’ even though grandma knew everything wouldn’t be ok.
Grandma wants to look pretty in the photograph for the forced laborer. She asks her mother to teach her about makeup. While great grandma teaches grandma about makeup, great grandma gets emotional and starts to cry. I believe the reason for this is because great grandma realizes that her daughter is growing up, and she wants to treasure all the time she has left with her daughter. Unfortunately, the letter grandma writes to the laborer and all of great grandma’s efforts on grandma’s makeup couldn’t protect them from the bombing that would follow the next morning.
Oskar's grandma didn't buy life insurance. This kind of makes you feel that neither of them cared if one of them died to leave the other alone. There relationship didn't matter. That, and the fact that they didn't have a lot of money. Why would they spend money they didn't have, on something that wouldn't do them much good in the end. They knew they wouldn't last. Something had to give.
The statement show that the grandfather doesn't really care about the grandmother, he actually seems to value doorknobs more. The statement also hints that they usually try not to bring up things that they might argue about such as buying life insurance. The grandfather's hands remained rough because he might have continued to sculpt or it might be because of his work at the jewelry store. The grandmother's quote about her father shows that she has great respect towards him. It also means that sometimes when her husband says it will be okay, she doesn't necessarily believe him, it is just that he is her husband.
When Oskar's grandmother stated, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance,” she meant that the relationship between her and Thomas wasn't that of commitment. They did not see themselves falling in love and sticking by each other sides for the rest of their lives. In all reality, they formed a “relationship” in order to not have to grieve the loss of Anna alone.
I think that mentioning her mother’s pearls is significant because pearls also symbolize harmony. By acknowledging them, she is affirming that she wishes she could go back to a place where things were simple and happy. She has flashbacks of blissful times with her sister, Anna.
When Oskar's grandmother said, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance," it proves that Thomas was not committed to her. It shows that their relationship is strained and either is ready to leave at any time. Because of the fact that no pictures were taken, and life insurance was not bought, they could end things with no memory of each other. It would be like they simply disappeared. Nobody would have evidence that there was actually a relationship, and Thomas and Oskar's grandmother could pretend it never happened. This is the reason that Oskar's grandmother releases all the animals from the apartment. They were Thomas's passion, and having them around would be like he never left. Letting them go was like a final cleansing act that things were actually over and she needed to move on.
I found Okscar's grandmother's statement' "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance" to be extremely sad. The fact that Oskar's grandfather never took pictures of his grandmother just shows how much he refused to commit to her. Without photos of her it made it easy for him to still see her as Anna and not accept the fact that she wasn't her sister. With no pictures of her, it also made it very easy for him to leave her at any given moment and pretend she was never part of his life. After describing the expensive insurance plan he bought for their apartment, Oskar's grandmother says they never bought life insurance. This is very sad too because it shows that he viewed their house and all their things as more valuable than their lives together.
The fact that oskacar's grandmother states that his grandfather's hands never lost their roughness tells us that after all the years he was married to her, he never stops sculpting her trying to see her sister Anna. I find this sad also because even after the years of marriage he is still refuses to accept her as anyone but her sister.
I believe that her mother was crying when she was putting makeup on her daughter because they had never had a bonding moment before. She had never felt all of her daughters face or been close like that to her. It could also have been because she realized that her little girl was growing up with wanting to learn about makeup and how to look nice. Also, her mother could have been crying because she was sad that her daughter thought she needed makeup to be beautiful when she was already beautiful.
The quote Oskar's grandmother says about how he didn't take pictures or buy life insurance made it seem like they didn't think they would stay together for very long. It's almost like they knew they would be parting ways soon and it was just a temporary reason to be happy, which they never really were. The quote makes it seem like he was never really interested in her or how she looked, and that they were just together to be simply that.
By saying that Oskar's Grandpa never took pictures of her, it illustrates how little compassion was in the relationship. The grandfather wanted no memories of her, and no proof of her existing in his life. The same goes for the life insurance- neither of the grandparents truly valued eachother's lives, and chose to leave themselves uninsured.
Oskar's grandmother removes all the pets from the apartment because they were a constant reminder of her ex-husband. She liked the animals as well, but Thomas had a special connection with them, since they were the only things he could truly communicate with.
Oskar's Grandmother setting the animals free and them never coming back is a metaphor for her marriage. She was trapped by her feelings for her husband and the husband was trapped with memories and love for Anna. They were both stuck with each other, it wasn't a bad marriage, but it wasn't healthy either. Her husband left because he knew that once the baby was born, he would be unable to leave. He didn't want to start a family with his wife because he always thought he was supposed to have a family with Anna. The grandmother, on the other hand, had so many feelings for her husband, but he didn't feel the same way. So like her animals, she was in her own cage. Once he left, he set the grandmother free. She wouldn't have to worry about always making him happy. She wouldn't have to keep her feelings inside. When she set the animals free, they never came back. If they did, she would want them to come back on their free will, not by force. That is how she would want her husband to come back, not because he had to, but because he wanted to.
Oskar’s grandmother mentions her mother’s pearls whenever she thinks about her great memories from her childhood. Thinking of the necklace reminds her of how happy she was with her family and the love they had for one another. It takes her back to when she was growing up and before the bombing that occurred that destroyed the family. Oskar’s grandma also discusses her shoes. She thought about how many she has worn in her life and how she would wear them every day. This reminds me of the quote “you will never know me until you walk a mile in my shoes.” The grandmother has been through a lot in her life. She has had a lot of ups and downs but you can’t judge her unless you’ve walked in her shoes. She then talks about her father who wanted to protect the family. He knew trouble was coming their way, but he didn’t want to admit it to cause worry. "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father.” This excerpt shows how much her father cared about the family and that he was doing everything in his power to give them the best life possible.
When Oskar’s grandmother said, “He never took pictures of me, and we didn’t buy life insurance,” I found it very sad and depressing. This statement shows that the grandmother realized Thomas never had true feelings for her and only cared about his lost love, Anna. When Oskar’s grandmother says, “He never took pictures of me,” it sounds like they never had a public relationship. Because there was no pictures, Thomas and Oskar’s grandmother just had the memories of times they shared together. The grandmother also said they did not buy life insurance for each other. I thought this was very weird and quite heartbreaking. I took it as they didn’t care for each other enough to buy something that would benefit them if one of them died.
I think Oskar’s grandmother removed the pets from the apartment because they were just a constant reminder of Thomas and their relationship. Thomas really loved those animals and I think it hurt the grandmother to look at them and remember that Thomas never really loved her. It was kind of like once the grandmother got rid of the pets, she also got rid of Thomas and she was finally able to move on.
When Oscar’s grandmother states, “He never took pictures of me, and we didn’t buy life insurance” it shows just how little they ment to one another and how in her husbands eyes, she would never live up to Anna. I wonder how hurt she must have been, knowing that her husband would never love her. Or did she know it would be like that from the start? When her father says, "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." It tells the reader that the Grandmother’s father didn’t want her to worry about everything happening around them, even though it was evident everything was not okay. She loved her father for this reason.
The fact that Oskar's grandfather didn't take pictures or buy life insurance shows that even though he says he loves his wife he doesn't actually care for her. Their relationship isn't like traditional relationships, they seem like they're together just to keep one another company. That to me, wouldnt even be worth staying for. Once Oskar's grandfather left his grandmother needed to erase everything, she needed a fresh start, so she removes all of the pets he loved so much. When Oskar's grandmother says what her father told her, "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." It tells us that parents always want to make their children feel better. Even though they both know that it it won't be okay, just telling each other that it well be, gives them some sort of assurance.
"He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." The signifigance of this is how much it shows her fathers care. I think this tells the reader that her father didn't want her to worry. That in the end everything would be okay. He wanted her to think that everything would end up okay.
I think her mother cries when shes helping with the makeup because shes starting to realize that her little girl isn't so much a little girl anymore. Shes seeing her grow up right in front of her eyes.
She gets rid of all the pets because they remind her of him. The pets were there because of him. She just couldn't be near it.
I think the quote; "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him a father." shows the respect she had for her father and her love for him. Sometimes people tell others things that are not true to try and protect them. It also kind of shows that things are not normal in the family, things are falling apart. In earlier quotes it states: "His hair turned gray that winter." and "The nearer the war came, the farther he went."
Oskar's grandmother let the pets go because she knew Oskar's grandfather wasn't coming back. She waited for him and after a while she just caught on to his plans so she got rid of his animals.
The significance of the quote, "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father.", is to show how strong of a person his father is. Obviously I'm not a father, but if I were ever a parent I wouldn't want my children to know/see that anything bad was going on, I wouldn't want them to worry. Also, it shows that he understands that about his father. He knew that things weren't going well, but his father didn't want him knowing. He respected him for that. His father is a very strong person and tried to make everything good for the family, even if he had to fake it for a while.
When she said "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance." she was pretty much saying that they didn't have any kind of commitment to each other. The statement about what be father said is just what parents say. When they know something bad is going on they still tell their children that everything will be okay. I think that her mother cries while putting make up on her because she is realizing that her little girl is growing up. She releases all of the pets because her husband left her,and the pets remind her of him.
I, like any other hopeless romantic found the grandmother's statement' "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance" to be heartbreaking and even somewhat depressing. The fact that Oskar's grandfather never took pictures of his grandmother proves that he never really loved her at all. If there was even a little hope that he could somehow forget Anna and start a new life. That hope was gone in that one statement. Oskar’s grandpa was never, ever willing to stay committed; he knew all along that the thought of Anna would never leave his sight every time he even glanced at Oskar’s Grandma. Without photos of her it made it easy for him to forget. Forget the life they had made, the new things she would cherish, all so it was easier on him. After reading the description of the expensive insurance plan he bought for their apartment, Oskar's grandmother then states they never bought life insurance. It broke my heart to read that the he valued their ‘stuff’ more than he ever valued either of their lives. I can’t help, but feel sorry for Oskar’s grandma.
"He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance." This states the base of their relationship. They were together but didn't have enough love to actually act as a normal couple. One could leave the relationship whenever they pleased. They didn't want to feel trapped with one another. They did what felt comfortable.
"He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child but I knew everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." This shows us what kind of father he was. Instead of telling it how it was he would say everything was okay so they would not be scared. He wanted to protect, not scare.
Oskar's grandmother gets rid of all the pets in the apartment because they remind her of him. They are his, not hers, really. They were trapped in that little apartment just like her, but now that he left them she can set them free, maybe she herself can feel a little more free. Even if that means being alone.
The significance of the quote "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." is the fact that the father wasn't a liar at all. He was doing what every parent does, protecting his children. Every human needs reassurance of safety in hard times. It tells us that the father was a good parent; he loved his children.
The fact that the grandfather never took pictures of the grandmother was proof that he never was committed to her. She would always be second best to the love of his life, Anna. They never bought life insurance because life was not important to them. They both were in a marriage with someone they did not love, so if they died then it did not matter. The quote states how awful the marriage was.
When Oskar's Grandmother sets the pets free I think it is her way of her dealing with the relationship ending. She set the animals loose knowing they would never come back, just like Thomas would never come back. It may also have been her way of letting go of him. Letting some things go that he cared about. It possible could have also been that she wanted to do something to make him mad if he did decide to come back, because it was something that he did care about.
The quote, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance," shows that when one of them dies, that is the end of the relationship. Their love will not carry on forever. It is a temporary relationship and is very depressing to read about. As for the quote, "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father," identifies the role of a dad. Even if there are tough times and things aren't in the best of shape, a dad is there to comfort his child. The quote shows that the father cares for his child and wants her to maintain high spirits.
I think that neither of them bought life insurance because they didn't care. If one died before the other then the "relationship" that they had was over and that was it for them. They don't really love each other in my opinion, they are just there for the moral support. It's temporary and fragile for them. The quote that says "He promised us that everything would be ok....." shows the role of the father. It shows that even when times can be tough and life isn't going so good that you have that supportive father figure in your life to make it all better. This book is very depressing at times to read.
"He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance." This statement tells us that there was not love and commitment in the relationship. I also believe he didn't take many pictures of her because she reminded him of Anna.
"He promised us that everything would be okay. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be okay. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." This was his way of protecting his children. He can not physically protect them, but he wants to keep them calm, and assure them that everything will be okay, even if he knows it won't be. It's like when a family member dies, you don't want to come straight out and tell your child that they are dead, you tell them they had to go away; keep their small, fragile mind at ease.
When helping her learn about makeup, her mother cries because she is realizing how quickly her little girl is growing up.
Oskar's grandfather clearly had value for his items. He took pictures of everything for insurance purposes, in case they were ruined. It is a possibility that he did not buy life insurance because he didn't believe in putting a price on someone's life. It could also mean that material items were more valuable to him than love, or feelings. Their relationship is definitely different, but they are still married. His attention was also on other things than just his wife, that is why he would not take pictures. He would only sculpt her, but it turned out to be Anna every time. The quote that is talking about making someone a father is special. It shows that even if the father knew things weren't going to be alright, he wanted to give hope and life to his children. He wanted to protect his children, and shield them from what he could, instead of letting them face reality. Like the quote states, it does not make him a liar, it makes him a father.
The quote, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance," portrays the relationship between the grandmother and grandfather. He never took pictures of her or bought life insurance, but he did take pictures of doorknobs. That shows how little they meant to each other. The grandmother got rid of all the pets because it symbolized the husband. The pets all left and didn't return just like him. It shows how much they actually loved each other, which they didn't.The next quote, "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." explains what she thinks the ideal father is. He tries to comfort his children by saying everything will be okay even though he knows it probably won't. He needs to stay strong for the kids so they don't lose hope. It does not make him a liar for saying that because almost any father would say that to their kids to make them feel safe.
Oskar's grandmother is always trying to forget about her past and move on. After the bombing in Dresden she moved to America and attempted to start a new life. She tried so hard to be American; she would read magazines and use American sayings whenever she could. She tried to escape her past and forget about her life in Germany.
When Thomas left her she approached it the same way. She erased his writing, threw out his animals, and hid anything that would remind her of him.
Oskar's grandma lets all of the pets out of the apartment as a way to find closure. Oskar's grandma knew that Oskar's grandpa would be leaving her soon enough because she broke their biggest sacred rule, "no children". By letting the animals go, it was like she let herself become unattached to Oskar's grandpa so she could move on and rebuild a new life for herself. She would no longer have any responsibilities at their apartment, therefore, she could move out and raise Thomas without the constant reminder of 'what used to be'. By letting the animals go, she set herself free.
When Oskar's grandma says this about her father it means that parents aren't meant to fix things that they are not able to fix. It means that parents are meant to make you believe that they can fix things that they, in reality, cannot. It's significant because she recognizes this. She knows that he did not mean it as a lie but as a sense of security he was hoping to give her. If he remains strong and unafraid on the outside then perhaps she will find hope in that.
I think Oskar's grandma's mother cries because she realizes that her daughter is growing up. Wanting to use make up is a sign of that. It could also be a very important bonding experience that they've never had before. She says that her mother has never touched her face this much before. This could mean they were never extremely close. Having her mother teach her about make up could have brought them closer together.
The fact that they never bought life insurance kind of gives the impression that they didn't care about each other that much. They were only there to keep each other company. The quote about the father not being a liar is significant because it shows that the father loved his children. It is a parents job to assure their children that everything is going to be alright even if they know it won't.
I think the quote that Oskar's grandmother says shows exactly what kind of relationship her and and Oskar's grandfather shared. I believe that if Oskar's grandfather never took pictures of his wife and was more interested in taking pictures of doorknobs, back of mirrors, and even broken objects shows that he was never even interested in his wife. I think that even the fact that they didn't buy life insurance shows that her husband was never really committed to their marriage and relationship.
I think her mother begins to cry for many reasons while teaching her how to do her makeup. One perhaps might be that her little girl is growing up and becoming interested in the opposite sex. Another might be that she can't believe she's teaching her these things already and how quickly the time has passed. Or maybe because she knows something bad is going to happen.
I think the quote is so significant because parents don't ever want to lie to there kids, they want to protect them even if that's telling them something else from the truth. There just trying to make there kid's feel better, and safe. It doesn't make them a bad parent but a good one.
The quote is significant because it shows that he wanted to reassure and protect his child. As we grow up our parents do it to us all the time. When I was a child my mother told me that if I itched my bug bites a mosquito would come out of it. It was dumb but it made me stop scratching so I didn't bleed. I think that her mother cries while helping her learn about makeup because it shows that her baby is growing up. It also makes me think is it because she doesn't have much time left with her child and she wasted all the time up until then. What makes me ask this is that in the book she says that her mother never touched her face this much before.
Oskar's grandmother didn't like pictures of herself, however the fact that her husband didn't take pictures of her or have life insurance shows that he didn't have much hope and many feelings for their relationship in the long run. His grandmother moved when she married Oskar's grandfather and they moved to the house because his apartment was too small. This quote shows that grandmother loved her father and knew he was always protecting her. I think grandmother's mother cries when teaching he about makeup because she never like pictures of herself and after receiving the letter in the mail it gave her hope. She lets go of all the animals to set them free so that they could be happy and live a happy life.
Thomas Sr. Never taking pictures of people nor buying life insurance for him and his wife shows that life wasn't important to them in that way. Thomas dis not want children and there expenses werent large so he thought they'd be fine. Oskar's Grandmother moved after the bombing. She came to the United States. After being there for a few months she mwt Thomas and moved in with him. Thomas Sr."s rough hands were a stmbol of how life used to be. They stayed that way because he burned off the skin on the doorknob after the bombing. All the pets were Thomas Sr.'s; therefore, they reminding Oskars gramma of him. That part of her life was over so she had to get rid of the reminders.
When Oskar's grandmother states, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance" it means that they didn't mean that much to each other. His grandmother moved after the bombing. She came to the U.S. Not long after she met Thomas.
Oskar's grandfathers lack of health insurance and lack of pictures of his wife shows us that he did not care much for her. This shows their relationship was not committed. He would have rather taken pictures of doorknobs and other useless miscellaneous items than his wife.
"He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." This quote portrays the role of a father. Even though he was not physically there, emotionally he was. Even if he couldn't he there, he wanted to protect his child.
Oskar's grandmother says, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance," what she means by this, is that everything else is the house he took pictures of was more meaningful to him then his own wife. Their relationship held no importance to Oskar's grandfather, not like it would have had it been Anna instead of her, so he left when he found out she was pregnant. When Oskar's grandmother is thinking of her father she says, "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." The significance of this quote is that her father loved her enough to lie to try and ease her mind and make her feel safe. She knew he was lying but loved him for it.
When Oskar's grandmother says that her husband never took pictures of her or bought life insurance, she's trying to say that he doesn't really care for her as much as he would if she was Anna. The fact that Oskar's grandfather's hands didn't lose their roughness is important because it shows that he continued to sculpt even while he was gone. The quote "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." is significant because she knows her father wants her to feel better even though the situation isn't as good as her father says it is.
The significance of the quote Oskar's grandmother inserts is that parents try to protect their children from anything frightening. Her father did not want to admit that everything would not be alright and have his daughter panic. She understood that he just did not want her to worry about anything, so she does not think of him as a liar. Her mother starts crying while teaching her to apply makeup for good reason. The fact that she is now old enough to worry about something like makeup shows that she is maturing. A kid growing up is always something very emotional for a parent to go through.
Oskar's grandmother did not buy life insurance. The reason for this was because there wasn't a need for it. The grandmother and grandfather did not "love" each other, with all the "nothing" and "something" spaces, their relationship was a enigma. Because of the lack of caring between these two, neither cared about the other enough to buy life insurance.
When Oskar's grandmother states, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance," I found it to be sad. A husband and wife are suppose to love and care for each other, however, this was not their relationship. They both knew they did not love each other, and they did not value their lives that much considering they did not buy life insurance. I also find it sad that he did not take pictures of her. Pictures are memories, and apparently he did not want to have many memories of her.
The quote by the father is significant by showing what any good parent would say. They try to assure their children that everything will be okay and not to worry, even though if it's not. Parents want to be strong for their kids and protect them from harm. I know my parents would do anything to protect me and make me feel better in a bad situation.
I think her mother starts crying when she is teaching her about makeup because she is realizing her little girl is growing up and she hasn't done all the things a mother should have done. She realizes she should have spent more time with her daughter and created a better mother-daughter relationship with her. She may also be crying because she knows there's nothing she can do to prevent this and she has run out of time to create that mother-daughter relationship.
Oskar's grandmother gets rid of all the pets from the apartment because they were Thomas's pets. She knows that if she doesn't get rid of them she will be surrounded by the thought of Thomas all the time. This was her form of closure, to finally move on and start her life again.
Oskar's grandmother has a sad quote which summarizes the emptiness of their marriage. "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance.", means essentially that she held less value than anything else in his life. She was an asset to him that wasn't even worth remembering.
The quote "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." basically solidifies the idea that her father was a very caring man. He grounded the family through tough times, and kept his children shielded from the dangers of the real world, even if they could see what was wrong.
Oskar's grandmother has a heartbreaking quote which symbolizes the discontent of her and Thomas' marriage. "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance." This shows how Thomas did not see her as the main reason for living. He did not value her life, or his own enough to even buy life insurance, when there was nothing to insure. The fact that he never took pictures of her shows that he did not want to capture a moment with her to share for the rest of their lives, he would rather forget than to see the picture of her and not see the one he loves.
Oskar's grandma never bought life insurance. This makes you feel that neither of them cared if one of them died to leave the other alone. There relationship didn't mean much. They also had no money. They had no reason to spend money if they didn't care about their relationship or life itself. It was just a forced and unnatural marriage. They also never took pictures because they didn't need memories.
When Oskar's grandmother states that his grandfather never took pictures of her or bought life insurance, it showed that his grandfather wanted to leave the relationship with no more than he went into it with. He wanted no memories of the time he spent married to a woman other than his lost love Anna and also wanted Oskar's grandmother not to gain much from her relationship with him. Oskar's quote of his father telling him that everything will be okay shows that Oskar's father truly loved him and still put Oskar's feelings above his own even in his last few moments of life. Even though he was scared, Oskar's father didn't show it and assured him that it would be okay.
Oskars grandfather not purchasing life insurance tells us that he was very cheap, and he didn't value her life as much as he should have had. He didn't take pictures of her because she would remind her to much of Anna and how he tried to make her into Anna. The grandfather is obviously trying to forget several things. The quotes significance is that it shows that the father is trying to protect them and that he cares for them and he is trying to comfort them. This tells us he is a good father who has the best interests for his children. Her mother cries because this is the closest she has ever been to her child and she is finally realizing she is finally growing up.
Oskar's grandmother explains that her life with his grandfather wasn't unhappy, but full of a lot of rules and spaces. The spaces represent the sanctuary they found in their first apartment where they could exist without the other even noticing. The lack of life insurance meant that the grandfather didn't want to be too involved. He took pictures of the apartment, but not of her. He wanted it to be as it was should something happen to it. He knew sooner or later that he was going to leave and didn't want any strings attached.
That statement tells us they did not have a good relationship, he did not take pictures of her because he did not want to remember her. Their relationship is an odd one; they are together only because they have no one else. It is important that his hands are still rough due to the fact he sculpted all of his life. It is the one thing that still remains the same about him. The reason his hands are still ruff is from old age and not using his hands much besides for writing.
"He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." The significance of this quote is that she knew her father was only trying to protect and make her feel better. She understood what it meant to be a parent, sometimes you have to lie to make them feel safe. It is a parent’s duty to keep their children safe and they will do whatever they have to, to make that possible.
The significance of the quote "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." is to show how during a scary time in her life her father tried to protect her from it. She understands that her father was not trying to lie to her to hid something from her to hurt her, but he wanted to help her. It tells us how her father raised her and shows us a reason for some of the things that she does for Oskar. Like how she always asks where he is and how she tries to protect him from the world that may try to hurt him just like her father did and that she is not lying for selfish reasons.
The significance of the quote "He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but i knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." is that parents always try to comfort their children. They try to protect them from the world and those are one of the things that make parents important to us.
When Oskar's grandmother stated, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance,” she meant that the relationship between her and the grandfather wasn’t a relationship that everyone thinks about when they think about marriage. They did not see themselves as “in love” and sticking by each other for the rest of their lives. They really formed a “friendship” so they would be able to share the pain of losing Anna.
Oskar’s grandmother removed the pets from the apartment because they were a reminder of Thomas and the relationship she wanted but never could have. Thomas really loved those animals and it hurt the grandmother to look at them and think that Thomas never loved her like he did the animals. When the grandmother finally got rid of the pets, she also got rid of the memory of Thomas and she was finally wiling to move on.
When Oskar's Grandma states that Oskar's Grandpa had never taken pictures of her, and they never bought life insurance, it is pretty obvious the relationship between them was forced. Their relationship meant nothing to either of them. Pictures weren't taken because there were no memories to be made. Life insurance wasn't necessary because neither of them would be changed if something happened to the other. They were only together because of their loss of Anna.
This novel just makes me so sad. The grandmother states, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance." Oskar's grandfather and grandmother didn't have the best relationship. It shows that his grandfather really didn't care for his grandmother, but she was only someone to replace the loss of Anna. I find it depressing that he never took pictures of her because if you love someone you want to share memories with them, and that did not appear to be true between the two of them. When they decide not to buy life insurance it just show that they don't really care for the safety of the others life. I really feel sorry for Oskar's grandmother.
"He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." I believe this quote shows a lot about fathers. They always are trying to protect their children, especially their daughters. Every parent wants to hide all the bad and negative things in this world from their children so they can have this amazing life. I don't think he was being a bad father at all, I think he was trying to be the best for her and he was just trying to do his job and protect her as much as possible.
Oskar's Grandma takes the pets out of the apartment because they are a painful reminder that Thomas is no longer there and that he just left. She needs to get rid of the pets to get rid of the memory of Thomas so that way she may move on with her life.
Oskar's grandmother's statement shows that the relationship with her husband (Oskar's grandfather) was very different. It wasn't normal. He would buy home insurance for his apartment but not life insurance for her. He would take pictures of his home and belongings but never of her. This shows that his main love in life is not her. His most prized possession is not her.His priority in life is not her. Their relationship is very broken, but I'm also quite certain it was never unbroken to begin with.
She was thinking of shoes because shoes represent things in life. Shoes remind her of her childhood and her growing life. They remind her of all the places she has been and where she is still going to go in her shoes.
Oskar's grandmother got rid of all the pets because her husband left her. She was getting release and closure from her husband leaving by taking the control and making the animals leave. She also believes her baby (Oskar's dad) was trying to tell her that he wasn't coming back.
The first quote represents the relationship that his grandparents had and how it was a mutual, non-committal, coping mechanism. The second quote is a good example of how parents try to keep their children calm and unaware of the problems of the world, even though in this case it was to no avail. Oskar's grandmother knew that that was what her father was trying to do and didn't hold it against him.
The quote shows that they were comfortable with each other. The fact he never took pictures of her is similar to how Oskar's dad didn't say he loved him in the phone messages before he died, the two know the feelings between them and know what they have so they don't feel the need to document it or say it, they feel comfortable that the other person will know how they feel without it being said or done.
I think the quote shows a lack of compassion and true love. The grandfather didn't want memories of the grandmother and neither one valued the other one's life. Since they didn't care, they didn't bother to buy life insurance. The grandmother got rid of all her pets because they reminded her of Oskar's grandfather. They both loved animals but he took his true companionship with them because the grandfather could easily communicate with them. Oskar's grandmother had to get rid of them because she didn't want a powerful memory of Oskar's grandfather.
When Oskar's grandmother states, "He never took pictres of me, and we didn't buy life insurance." This shows how impersonal and non meaningful the relationship was between them. It showed that the grandfather did't want anything to remind him that they are married or have any physical evidence such as life insurance, to prove of their relationship.
Her mother begins to cry while helping her to learn about makeup because it's basically the only bonding experience they have shared together. I think it finally hits the mother that her little girl is growing up and that she has missed some valuable years in her life. I think the mom is overcome by guilt and breaks down.
"He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father."
Oskar's great-grandfather was said to have wanted to save the world, but valued the lives of his family most. He obviously cared deeply about those around him. By telling his family that everything was going to be ok, even when it was clear that it wouldn't, he displayed an important characteristic of his personality. This characteristic was one that Oskar's Grandma was already familiar with, so she understood what he was trying to do.
I believe her mother cried as she helped with makeup because she felt sorry for her daughter to have to grow up in such a dangerous place. For the first time, she was helping her look like a real woman, and she had never touched her face so much. She may have known about the impending danger, and cried that they could only continue their lives as normal.
After Thomas Sr. left his wife behind, Oskar’s grandmother gets rid of their pets. I found some evidence of symbolism between Thomas Sr. and the animals. Thomas Sr. felt confined and trapped when he was married, and the animals were domesticated so they never left the house. When Thomas and the animals disappeared out of Grandmother’s life, both the animals and Thomas did not return.
“He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father.” This was said by Grandmother’s father before she was forced to leave him for her own safety. By stating this, Grandmother learned, at a young age, that parents are obligated to protect and do what is best for their children. Not only did Grandmother’s father say this but Oscar’s father did as well. When Thomas called and left a message, minutes before the building collapsed, he said that everything would be ok. Both of these circumstances involve the parents putting their child’s well-being before their own.
The quote about the father is entirely true. What kind of a parent would he have been to make his child worry? Instead, he was looking out for the child's best interest, and in that case lied. He was simply protecting his child.
The fact that the grandfather never took pictures of the grandmother, and they didn't buy life insurance, shows how their relationship was doomed. If he didn't took pictures of her, there was no compassion. If they didn't buy life insurance, they didn't really care what happened to one another, and shows neither of them cared about the relationship or each other.
The fact that Oskar's grandfather took pictures of everything, even the doorknobs in their house, shows that Oskar's grandfather never truly had a relationship with his grandmother and was never really interested in her. Oskar's grandfather never wanted to be associated with his wife and was just looking for the right time when he could leave and have a reason to leave other than no longer being interested with his wife. Oskar's grandmother getting pregnant and telling her husband was the kind of excuse he was looking for so that he could leave.
The other part of the quote about not buying her life insurance is kind sending an extra "injury to insult" because now Oskar's grandmother is stuck by herself with no money and no steady income from a job to care for her and without life insurance there is no way for Oskar's grandmother or her baby to get money if something happened to wither of them.
I think everyone can relate to the quote about everything being okay. A parents job is to guard and protect their child. You see it in movies, in books, and in real life. When you become a parent nothing else matters but your child's safety. There comes a point when as kids get older they understand when something serious happens even if the parents try to hide it. This was probably one of the most relatable quotes out of the whole book.
When I read that life insurance was never bought i think it shed more light on the relationship that Oskars grandparents shared. They lacked commitment and it seemed like even if something happened to the other person they almost couldn't be bothered with it.
Oskar's grandmother states, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance" because she was expressing how sad their relationship was. It tells us that her husband wasn't focused on their relationship and payed attention to small things instead. It is like they were never in love. Oskar's grandma moved to America after the war to begin a new life with a fresh start.
"He promised us that everything would be ok. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be ok. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father." This quote really stood out to me. It shows that her father wasn't trying to keep secrets from her, he was just trying to protect her. This reminds me of Oskar and how he hid the messages from 9/11 from him mom. He was doing it out of love, not because he wanted to lie to her.
The fact that Oskar's grandpa never took pictures of his grandma told me that he didn't want a permanent memory of her. He knew he was going to leave her and I think he felt if he didn't have pictures of her, he could still imagine it was Anna he had been with. It shows me he doesn't really care about her.
When Oskar's grandmother states, "He never took pictures of me and we didn't buy life insurance, it shows us that they weren't as invested in each other as married couples should be. He took pictures of the doorknobs, but not her. What does that tell you?
The significance of the quote made about the father promising everything would be okay, even though it wasn't going to be, showed how much her father cared, and showed that he would lie just to make her feel safer.
I think her mom cries while teaching her how to apply make-up is that she is growing up.
The quote about grandmother's father was very explanatory about parenthood. Parents want what is best for their children, and want to keep them as safe as they can. As a parent, it should be a priority to be your child's rock, and keep their spirits up. Grandmother's father truly was not a liar for telling her everything was going to be okay when it wasn't going to be because he was just being her father and giving her hope.
I believe grandmother's mother cries when helping her learn how to do her make up because of the guilt she felt. Helping a child learn and grow is a part of parenthood, and the mother felt guilty that her daughter had to grow up in such a dangerous environment. Teaching her daughter about make up was a significant mother-daughter bond, and the two of them didn't have that experience often.
The significance is how true it is. A father's job is to protect his children and provide for them. Him telling her that everything was going to be ok when they both knew that it wasn't, that was not him lying. He was simply doing his job as a father, trying to protect his daughter by attempting to put her mind at ease. She knew he would do anything he could to protect her. It tells us how much love there was between them.
Oskar's grandmother gets rid of all the pets from the apartment because they were mostly his grandfather's. He loved them and he was the one that spoke to them. Seeing them everyday probably reminded her of him and she wanted them out.
This quote tells us that Oskar's father is protective and he did not want to make his family worry about him. Oskar's grandmother gets rid of all the pets because they reminded her of her husband and she didn't want him to have any part in her or her son's life anymore.
When Oskar's grandmother said, "He never took pictures of me, and we didn't buy life insurance," it shows that Thomas was not that into her. Their relationship is not very good. His hands had to always stay the same so the memories would be there. She wanted to remember his hands. They are like that because they are burnt from the bombings a long time ago.
Oskar's grandmother Let all of the pets in her apartment loose because they were all just a reminder of Thomas. He was the one who loved and cared for them anyway, and she probably didn't have as much interest in them as he did.
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