Sunday, June 22, 2014

An Introduction to the Amusing Mind of Kurt Vonnegut

Here is a video that I found that captures the playful, intelligent personality of Kurt Vonnegut.


Unknown said...

i find Mr. Vonnegut very funny. Kayla Chimel and i were talking about one of the jokes he made in slaughter house five. The narrator was explaining how when something dies the aliens say "so it goes", and the champagne was flat and Mr. Vonnegut wrote so it goes. He has a very dark sense of humor and i like it very much.

AndyIsSoAWESOME said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I feel like Vonnegut's sense of humor is very real. Meaning when he discusses things and writes "so it goes" after they are very real things that could happen to everyday humans. He discusses being drunk at night and calling old friends and girlfriends which is something that happens in real life and can be quiet comical if you are not the caller or the receiver of the call. He also discusses Billy being abducted and writing stories for the paper. His daughter begins to yell at him for the first article and Billy says there are two more coming yet. He also discusses the champagne being flat and follows with "so it goes" , I feel like this is one of those "Things can't get worse then that and then they do explanations." He had a bad day and the drink was speaking to him or so he said and of course that couldn't even go right.