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Finally...Richard Parker is a tiger?!?!?!? Now the question is: Why name a tiger Richard Parker?
So Pi abandons the boat, leaving behind a zebra and a tiger. Are there any other survivors? Any other floating structures for Pi to latch on to?
Another great line: "It was as unbelievable as the moon catching fire."
Why do you think the Chinese crew threw Pi overboard?
I also found that the dialogue in these two chapters was lacking believability. I agree that it feels far too formal for the situation. You would think, in such chaos and pandemonium, that one would not be able to find the right words. It almost feels like he is giving a rehearsed speech. Richard Parker is finally introduced in Chapter 37. The tiger was originally baptized by a hunter named Richard Parker. The hunter named the young cub “Thirsty.” However, there was a paper-work mix-up, and the shipping clerk reversed their names. The hunter was listed on the paper-work as Thirsty and the tiger was listed as Richard Parker. The name of the tiger cub stuck. In addition to the tiger, the zebra, and Pi, there were also two other survivors, including a chimpanzee and a hyena. The Chinese sailors on the ship threw Pi overboard because they were using him as bait. They were hoping that the hyena would attack Pi and Pi would get rid of it. Then, the lifeboat would be safe for the sailors.
I thought it was very strange how Pi was talking to Richard Parker as if it was a person and then you realize Richard Parker is a tiger. I agree that the monologue was too formal for the situation. There was an error in paper work with the tiger because the tigers hunter was named Richard Parker and the tigers name was Thirsty but in my opinion the tiger kept the name Richard Parker(a human name)because Pi always saw and treated animals as if they were humans. “And what of my extended family-birds, beasts and reptiles? They too have drowned. Every single thing I value in life has been destroyed." There were no other survivors except for Pi, the zebra, and the tiger. Pi threw a lifebuoy and two oars to sea so those floating structures should still be in the sea for Pi to latch on to. I think the Chinese crew threw Pi overboard because they already knew that Pis family was probably dead so there wouldn’t be any use for Pi.
So far throughout this whole book I've wondered several things. The type of things that this far into books you usually know. But finding out that Richard Park was the tiger...that was completely unexpected! I have no clue why you would name a tiger that. The only guess I could take is that some where down the line it has something to do with religion.
There were not survivors other than the zebra, tiger and Pi.
Lastely, the Chinese crew. I find that so strange that they threw him overboard. At first I thought it was for his safety and they were looking out for him, but the more I think about it, I think they did it because the assumed everyone else on the boat (animals included) we dead or soon to be. Therefore they didn't know what to do with a 16 year old boy so they throw him down to the boat in hopes of him making it out, IF he can get past the tiger.
Richard Parker was the hunter who found the baby tiger and baptised it. The hunter intended on naming the cub Thirsty, however, there was a paperwork mix-up and the file clerk switched their names on the sheet. When the tiger arrived at the Pondicherry Zoo, Pi's father liked the name and from then on out it stuck.
The survivors of the shipwreck, along with Pi, the zebra, and the tiger, were an Orangutang named Orange Juice, and a hyena. During their journey the hyena throws up and lies on the deck because it's sea sick.
At this point if I was in Pi's position, I would try to search the lifeboat for supplies and try to devise a plan to keep me alive as long as possible.
I think that the monologue did lake believability. There is complete panic going on, yet everything is written so formal. It didn't get me on the edge of my seat, needing to know what was going to happen. And the way he talked to Richard Parker, I never would have guessed he was a tiger.
The tiger recieved the name Richard Parker through a name mix up with the hunter. The hunter, Richard Parker, had named the tiger cub Thirsty, but the names got switched in a paperwork mishap, and the name just stuck.
The other survivors are a hyena, a zebra, and an orangatan.
I think the Chinese crew threw Pi overboard because they hoped her would get rid of the hyena,so that they could get in the lifeboat safely.
Like Renee said, the monologue lacked believability. It was a time of panic and everything was written in a formal manner. I wish that it had been a little more believable so I would have been at the edge of my seat eager to find out what was going to happen next but I found that I was forcing myself to get through it.
The dialogue does come off as really fake and forced sounding. One would assume that due to the chaos the dialogue would be more crazed and desperate. But no, Pi seems to be having a normal conversation with a tiger. Or as normal as that can be anyway... I would have liked if the situation seemed a bit more demanding. Oh well...
The tiger's name is Richard Parker because of a mistake on forms filled out on the tiger's capture. The hunter that caught Richard Parker was named Richard Parker and he had named the tiger Thirsty, but the names were switched. When the tiger arrived at the zoo, Pi's father found the switch amusing and therefore kept the mistaken name.
Also on the boat with Pi, the zebra, and the tiger, are a hyena and an orangutan. There doesn't seem to be any other structures for Pi to connect to as the boat has completely sunk and there is not land in sight.
When the crew through Pi overboard into the boat i honestly thought they were trying to help him. But no. They were simply using him to try and lure Richard Parker out . This also explains why the hyena was also in the boat and why they threw the zebra down also. They were hoping that by baiting Richard Parker, Richard Parker would kill Pi, the hyena, and the zebra instead of them, which would allow them to escape using the life boat. Although why Richard Parker was even in the life boat in the first place i have no clue...
Along with others who have posted before me, I found the dialogue lacking believability. While Pi was finding out that the ship was sinking, he did not seem as concerned about it as I would be. If I would have saw that on the level that my family was had water all filled up in it i would be freaking out, and trying to get someone to help me. I think the reason I find it so hard to believe, is because as I read the novel I try to picture what I would do in certain situations, and everything Pi did I couldn't see myself doing.
Richard Parker is named what he is named because when he was found by a hunter, the paperwork mixed up the names of the tiger and the hunter, and Richard Parker just stuck.
I think the Chinese crew through Pi overboard because they knew what animals were on the boat, and were using Pi as bait to eventually try and save themselves.
Honestly, I cant stand reading dialouge that projects no emotion. I get the same feeling of a formality that shouldnt exist. When I read the bit about Richard Parker, Im not going to lie, I honestly thought I had just missed a part saying he was a tiger because I was so tired while reading. I mean, seriously, who would have that conversation with a tiger- even if it is swimming for dear life?
Pi's monologue in these chapters doesnt express any raw emotion. He seems to calm for the situation. I was confused when Pi wanted Richard Parker to drown after pleading for him to swim to the lifeboat. After it was revealed that Richard Parker is a tiger, I understood Pi's sudden change of heart. Richard Parker's name is actually Thirsty. His hunter's name was Richard Parker, but a mistake in the paper work switched the names. The Chinese crew threw Pi overboard to lure the hyena away from them and onto the lifeboat with Pi.
The dialogue definitely lacks believability in this chapter. First off, if you’re in the middle of the ocean attempting to rescue a huge beast of a tiger, you will not be talking that much at all. Maybe you’ll grunt occasional words of personal motivation “C’mon!” or cursing at that: Whichever tends to be your personal preference. Secondly, in a whirlwind of chaos how in the world could you find that much to say and so formally? The monologue in this chapter is like a scene to a play that had been rehearsed many times. Anyway, the dialogue (monologue) was simply added for effect.
The tiger was named Richard Parker because there was a mix-up in the paperwork from his founder, Richard Parker, to the zoo. The real Richard Parker hunted a tiger and her cub. Richard Parker originally named the tiger cub Thirsty, but according to the paperwork the hunter’s name was Thirsty and the tiger’s name was Richard Parker. Pi’s father happened to like the mix-up of names in the paperwork and therefore Richard Parker became the official name of the tiger. It is quite a name for a tiger, if you ask me. The name Richard Parker makes it seem like there is another human character in the book.
Pi abandons the boat, leaving behind a zebra, tiger, orangutan, and a hyena. Pi uses an oar as a floating structure to latch on to.
The Chinese crew threw Pi overboard hoping he would either land in the ocean or on the lifeboat and then jump into ocean. Why would they want this? Well, it’s quite simple. There were great beasts aboard the lifeboat that they needed to get off of the ship/lifeboat in order to save their own lives. If Pi were to land on the life boat and see the dangerous animals aboard, you would think he would immediately jump into the ocean. If Pi landed in the ocean the dangerous animals would surely follow their predator instincts and attempt to catch their prey. (As if the animals would all be completely oblivious to the great water surrounding them…) If this plan worked, it would give the Chinese crew members just enough time to get on the lifeboat, use Pi as a distraction (bait) to escape from the animals, and make their way across the ocean to safety. …Too bad karma interfered and the Chinese crew didn’t make it that far…
This entire book to me feels very...dry. The way Pi speaks is very unemotional but these two chapters were the worst by far. Now with the whole Richard Parker being a tiger that was weird.His actual name is Thirsty. He got Richard Parker, because his hunter (Richard Parker) filled the papres wrong.
Considering that this is the first real action in the book, I thought that it would be a lot more fun to read, but it just seems hard to get through. It doesn't seem like there are or could be any more survivors at this point of the book. I find this really sad because the first section of the book had really gotten me attached to the other zoo animals and family. Pi seems a little dumb to jump into the water without anything else, because it seems like there is just open water and the lifeboat left. I mean yes, he could die at the hands of Richard Parker but that is not for sure. He will for sure die if he stays in the water, because no man can stay swimming for that long.
As everyone prevous have stated the monologue here is awful. The lack of emotion at an action packed moment is off putting, unless the author wanted to use the formal writing since it would seem off putting to show how traumatized Pi is.
The tiger got the name Richard Parker because of a mix up in paper work. Personally though, the name Richard Parker for a tiger is pretty cool.
The Chinese crew pobably tossed Pi overboard because they thought they were saving Pi.
The end.
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