Monday, July 09, 2012

Life of Pi: Chapters 67-69
Pi, in his various states of hunger, tries eating everything that even resembles food. What is the most disgusting thing you've eaten on purpose? What would you refuse to eat?

As Pi looks down on the little biospheric colony below him, there's a sense of deity there. In what way has Pi himself become like a deity?

What is significant about Pi and Richard Parker's sleep patterns? What do the patterns indicate about each of them?

What are the positives and negatives of igniting the flares whenever Pi sees a light in the distatnce?


Unknown said...

I don't know what the strangest thing I have eaten is, but like Pi I am a strict vegetarian, and I couldn't see myself eating meat, even for my own survival. Pi is like a deity because he has the ultimitate decision in whether the live, or die. Pi sleeps short hours to avoid Richard Parker, and Richard Parker sleeps all day to avoid the sun. The patterns show Pi's fear, and Richard Parker's un-interest. The positives of lighting flares gives Pi a sense of hope, but the negative, which is most common, is that he will soon run out of flares.

Hannah Wagner said...

I generally tend to avoid things that i think would be...not the most enjoyable things to eat, so i'm not sure what the worst thing i've eaten is...

Pi has become like a deity because he is the one most in control of his own situation. He is all powerful when it comes to his survival. Pi can decided to just give up and die or continue to struggle to survive.

To avoid Richard Parker Pi sleeps short hours and it's usually not a very restful sleep. This shows Pi's wariness of Richard Parker and his will to live. Pi is smart enough to try and avoid conflict with Richard Parker. Meanwhile Richard Parker spends most of his time sleeping during the daytime to avoid the heat of the day. Richard Parker is simply following is instincts of survival and doesn't seem that interested in Pi. Despite the obvious Richard Parker doesn't pose that much of a threat to Pi. He hasn't displayed any direct violence (unless i'm mistaken).

The flares are Pi's chance at rescue. If that's not a positive thing then nothing is. On the negative side, the flares can be used as a measure of Pi's hope. As he lights each flare it sparks a sense of hope in him but when they burn up and their numbers diminish, the probability of Pi being saved also goes down.

Megan Grohnke said...
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Megan Grohnke said...

I think that the strangest thing I have voluntarily eaten was a pickled sausage. Surprisingly, it wasn't as disgusting as it looked or sounds when someone mentions it. I'm not quite sure what I would refuse to eat. Probably something that had a strange texture because certain textures gross me out, for lack of better phrasing.

Pi has become like a deity because he is in the control of his destiny and his survival. He controls himself and Richard Parker, so it is not just self concern.

Pi and Richard Parker's sleep patterns are significant because they are alternating. You could almost say they are avoiding each others presence because it seems while one is awake, the other is asleep (or at least that is how I have interpreted it.) I have noticed that Richard Parker's sleep patterns are very relaxed and he sleeps most of the day, while Pi sleeps very little and is very tense.

When Pi ignites a flare whenever he sees a light in the distance, I cringe. It seems to me that he is wasting valuable resources on a whim that he might be seeing something of worth. On the other side, Pi using a flare can be a good thing because the light could be a ship and he may be noticed. I perceive the lighting of flares as a strategic game of chance and things change depending on the perspective. If you see it as the glass is half-full, he may be seen by a ship and using a flare may save him. But if you are a half-empty glass view, then he is wasting his time, energy, and resources on false hope.

Madalyn Spohler said...
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Unknown said...

I am not sure what the most disgusting thing I have eaten is. I would consider myself a very picky eater, so not many foods are exactly appetizing to me. I despise most vegetables, with the exception of a select few. I usually stick to the foods I like and refuse to eat the foods I do not like. However, it is hard to say what I would do if I were in Pi’s situation. If I were starving to death, I would obviously be far more open to eating different foods.

When Pi looks down on the little biospheric colony below him, he sees a multitude of sea life clinging onto the underside of the raft. At this moment, Pi could be compared to a god watching over the aquatic world beneath him. Pi could also be considered a deity because he is the “god” of the lifeboat in a sense. He has established his position as alpha and he oversees everything that goes on in the lifeboat.

Pi’s sleep patterns are erratic. He is restless and unable to sleep for more than an hour at a time, even at night. These irregular sleep patterns indicate Pi’s apprehension and anxiety. He is extremely wary about having a tiger as a companion on the lifeboat. He is constantly in fear for his life. Richard Parker, on the other hand, spends most of the time on the lifeboat sleeping. Pi even describes Richard Parker as a “champion napper.” These regular sleep patterns reflect Richard Parker’s lack of interest in Pi and his surroundings.

The obvious positive of lighting a flare whenever Pi sees a light in the distance is that Pi could be rescued if the light does indeed happen to be a ship. However, if Pi wastes his flares on lights that are nothing, he may not have any when a ship actually does come close.

Unknown said...

Although I willingly ate the "surprise dish" at a trout farm, I still find it the most ridiculous thing I've ever eaten. It was fried muskrat; however, it wasn't as bad as it sounds. There isn't much food I wouldn't give a fair try. When people start combining ridiculous foods is where I'd draw the line. Chocolate covered bacon for instance: two great things that shouldn't be together ( I saw this at a treasure island store today).
Pi has become a deity in a sense because he is the alpha between he and Richard Parker. He is a God-like creature from Richard Parker's point of view. Out of nowhere he makes food and water appear, and with the blow of his whistle he can make the sea raging and volatile. He does unexplainable things to preserve himself and Richard Parker. 
Pi gets very little sleep, while Richard Parker is a "champion napper (page 266)." This shows that Pi is much more nervous and apprehensive, and Richard Parker is simply not concerned. 
It's hard for Pi to determine whether the light in the distance is a ship or his mind playing tricks. For this reason, it is a bad idea for Pi to use his flares when he's not certain there's a ship. Once he runs out of flares, there's no way of signaling a real ship. But just in case the light is a ship, it's a good idea to light the flares to strengthen his chances of rescue. 

twirl4life said...

I generally try to avoid food I don't think looks or sounds good so I'm not too sure what the most disgusting thing I have eaten is. I think I would refuse to eat the algae that Pi ate.

Pi has become a sort of deity because he has survived so much and seems to still be doing decent. Pi seems to have taken an almost immortal because he has survived so much after the shipwreck.

The significance about Pi and Richard Parker's sleep patterns is that it shows their status on the lifeboat along with their moods. Pi still feels like he needs to be careful around Richard Parker and that he may not have full authority yet, so he sleeps in short intervals. Richard Parker on the other hand is not concerned about much and sleeps when he pleases. When he has more energy in a day, he walks around some and comes out from his safe haven.

The positives in Pi using the flares is that it shows that he still has hope that he can be found and it does provide him with the opportunity to be found. The negatives are that after he runs out, he has no more in case he does know for sure that here is another boat.

Unknown said...

The most disgusting thing that I’ve ever eaten on purpose was a bite of a worm; I was younger and at a fear factor camp. I would refuse to eat animal or human feces because that is disgusting. A deity is like a God or a ruler and I think Pi is like a deity because he is in control of his survival. The sleep patterns are significant between Pi and Richard Parker because when Richard Parker is asleep Pi is awake and when Richard Parker is awake and Pi is asleep which is not very often because Pi barely sleeps. Pi’s sleeping patterns say that he is tense and Richard Parkers sleeping patterns say that he is relaxed. The positives of igniting a flare when Pi sees a light is that he could be rescued if the light is a boat. The negatives of igniting a flare is that Pi could waste all his flares on something that might not mean anything.

Unknown said...

The most disgusting thing I ate willingly was alligator, but it was more from my parents tricking me, and they succeeded. I don’t refuse to eat a lot of food because I’m not a very fussy eater, but bizarre foods that smell bad I wouldn’t eat, such as lungs or something similar.
When Pi sees the life beneath him he seems like a deity because he has control over the colony underneath him. He created it by being there and allowing life to be created underneath him. He is larger and more in power then the colony below him, it’s very god like. Its similar to how the gods were able to create life and manipulate it any way possible. Without Pi being there, there would be life beneath him.
As Pi sleeps in spurts and Richard Parker sleeping all day it shows Pi’s growing paranoia, fear of the sea, and Richard Parker. While Richard Parkers constant sleeping show his un-interest and almost hopelessness for his situation.
The positives and negatives of sending off flair on every chance of light are simple. Constantly lighting a flare every time you see a fleck of light, either it be your imagination, or maybe moonlight reflecting off the water is a waist of flare. It’s wasting a change to be rescued. Though I know I would send a flair at every chance, because if you don’t take your chances you might have missed your opportunity for safety.

Unknown said...

The positives of igniting the flares is the thought of being saved if the flare is seen, but the obvious negative is that for every spark that does not get seen is one wasted.

Renee Goforth said...

I am a really picky eater, so I've probably eaten a lot of things that I personally would consider disgusting. I think a mushroom is the most disgusting thing I've eaten on purpose, though. I don't really refuse to eat much, because even though I am picky, I am willing to try just about anything.
Pi is like a deity because he is in the control of the situation. It's in his hands whether they survive, get food, water, etc.
Pi sleeps few hours at a time to avoid Richard Parker and Richard Parker sleeps to avoid the sun. This shows that Pi still shows fear toward Richard Parker, and shows that Richard Parker doesn't really care about Pi.
Lighting the flares gives Pi hope, but as each is used, its another wasted flare.

Unknown said...

The sleep patterns of Pi and Richard Parker remind me of a previous part of the novel. The fact that Richard Parker is a "champion napper" solidifies the previous chapter about how animals are able to easily adapt to their environment. Richard Parker is able to adapt so well, he takes naps just as often as he would have back in the zoo or in the wild. Pi, on the other hand, is obviously not nearly as adaptable as the tiger. This is in our human nature, as we are afraid of change. Even Pi's mother expresses her fear of moving to a new place and starting a new life. Tigers and other animals, however, have it engraved in their brains to survive in any situation or environment.

Anonymous said...

Me myself am not picky on food, but I am struggling to believe he is pulling sea turrles aboard his raft by himself or that the raft is staying together under that weight.. sea turtles can get up to 440 pounds, and a hawksbill sea turtle can get up to 300 pounds.
I dobelieve Richard Parker is doing exactly what i do when I feel sick, that is sleep.
"champion napper (page 266)." Pi uses this phrase to explian Parker, but I see that as the best thing to do, if you look at this from Parkers view he stepped back into his days of youth, his mother (or Pi) feeds him rutinely while he doesn't feel well, hot days basking in the sun, I mean besides the fact Pi is human he is playing the role of the concerned mother tiger taking care of her young. Pi might be able to signal a ship with the flares or he could just use them all up and be stuck without them, and with no way to be seen he could be stuck in his own version of purgatory. But wait!! now is this truely Pi's fear? or is it his fathers ideas and fears forced it Pi?

ellenehays said...

There is so many intriguing and unique foods around the world. The most disgusting thing I have eaten on purpose would either be raw lamb or artichoke. These are both normal foods for some people, but for me it was out of my comfort zone. They were both disgusting but I am glad I tried them. Foods I would refuse to eat are raw meat, feces, and mustard.

Pi himself becomes like a deity because he can control his survival capabilities. Like the fish underneath him who have beautiful colors and what seems as "supernatural" powers over their lives, he also has powers over his life.

The sleep patterns of Pi and Richard Parker were exact opposites. Pi had trouble sleeping more than an hour at a time, while Richard Parker fell asleep fast and took many naps throughout the day. These patterns show that Richard Parker is relaxed and not stressed like Pi is. Pi is the one that retrieves all the food and makes sure that both him and Richard Parker survive. Meanwhile, Richard Parker lies around and lives a stress free life while Pi does everything for him.

I believe it was a silly thing that Pi lit his flares. I know he thought that he saw a boat so he shot them off. However, he had a limited supply and he lit too many off and it resulted in him being in the same situation he started out in.

Josh tillman said...

The grossest thing I ever ate was a wassaby pea in the sixth grade. I threw up afterwards because it was so freaking gross. Pi is like a diety because he is in absolute control. He is all powerful over his situation. Pi is the only one who can determine whether he lives or not. The sleeping patterns of pi indicate that he is fearful while the sleeping patterns of Richard show he doesn't really care. The flares are a good idea but they may run out ago he should try and conserve them

Unknown said...

Humm...The most disgusting thing I've eaten on purpose? That's tricky because if I know I'm not going to like it i won't eat it. But I refuse to eat about anything seafood related.

The significance about Pi and Richard Parker's sleeping patterns, is that they seemed to be opposite. Pi sleept so lightly because...well who wouldn't with a giant Bengal Tiger just feet away. And Richard slept very well actually. He slept during the day a lot and for hours on end. He got a nice deep sleep while Pi has had no such thing since that awful night when he was placed on that boat.

The patterns in my eyes show that Pi is worried, stressed, exhausted and just trying to survive. He gets food and water for Richard and gives it to him! Richard on the other hand, doesn't move or do much for that matter at all. He just chills and waits for his next meal.

I think it's hard to find a positive about lighting the flare. The only thing i think is positive our of that is how Pi still have hope and faith that things will be alright. Negative is the obvious, he is wasting his flares on what he "thinks" is another ship but in reality there probably isn't any for miles. There are only so many flares that using that on what could of been a ship rather than on what IS a ship, is a huge difference.

Haleigh Cunningham said...

I cannot think of anything that is more disgusting than sushi. I will never eat any raw dead thing ever again.
Pi has somewhat become a deity because he is in charge of everything that happens to him except for Mother Nature.
Pi sleeps a little during the night, while Richard Parker sleeps some during the day. They can avoid each other easier with that schedule. The patterns indicate that the tiger is nocturnal, and that Pi is diurnal.
One of the negative aspects of igniting the flares is that Pi is wasting his limited resources. A positive aspect is that he might actually draw attention to himself and the tiger, and they could get rescued. Another positive aspect is that lighting the flares scares Richard Parker, which gives Pi more authority over the tiger.

zoewestlund said...

When I was little my friends and I would play 'Rugrats' in our backyard and my brother and I would always be the twins that ate all the bugs. So te grossest and weirdest thing I have ever eaten was various bugs.

Pi becomes the dominate person in the situation and could be considered deity because he is God-like on the life boat. He is the one who provides Richard Parker and himself with everything they need to survive.

Pi sleeps in short fitfull increments in which he doesn't really even sleep. He really just lays on the life boat in more of a haze. Richard Parker on the other hand, sleeps as if nothing affects him. Pi called the tiger a champion napper.

Pi's mind could be playing tricks on him when he thinks he sees a ship when he might now. It would be a bad idea to fire the flares because he would use them all up. Though it would be important for him to use the flares in case a ship does see him and it could signal his need for a rescue.

Anonymous said...

I am not even sure what was in the most disgusting thing that I have eaten on purpose. It was a bunch of things mixed together that I ate in a game of Truth or Dare. Other than this, I am a picky eater, and I avoid foods that I do not think that I would like. In Pi’s situation I would be forced to eat things that I normally wouldn’t just for survival.
Pi and Richard Parker’s sleeping habits are completely different. Pi is forced to sleep so lightly because of Richard Parker. Richard Parker, on the other hand, sleeps a lot. Richard Parker sleeps during the day for hours, which doesn’t allow Pi much sleep during the night.
The positive of lighting flares is just the hope that he will be rescued. The possible chance of him being rescued is a positive. The negative would be that they might run out of flares when they will really need them the most.

Daniel Peterson said...

I dont consider myself an adventurous eater so the I've never really eaten anything thing that strange.

Pi has become the master of his surroundings. The life boat is his universe and he is the god of it. He is in control, this is probably got his sense of being a diety.

Pi rarely slept more than an hour at a time even at night, unlike Richard Parker who napped all the time. Pi is anxioius and aprhensive and it effects his sleeping habit. Richard Parker sleeps well because he has become comfortable and familiar with his territory beneath the tarpaulin.

Other than the obvious positive of aiding his rescue the flairs gave Pi a sense of nostalgia for home because they smelled like cumin. The negative is that the flairs put Richard Parker on edge.

Ben Wexler said...

I agree that Pi was a de facto deity, but I have to disagree with the reasoning some people have behind this. Pi was in charge of his own survival, but that does not make him a deity. In my experience, deities do not die. Rather, they are responsible for the survival of others, in this instance, Richard Parker and the ecosystem beneath him. I believe the fish below him provide the best example of Pi’s divine responsibilities. I do not suspect that fish are acutely aware of the world outside of the water – it is as mysterious and unknown to them as death is to humans. In that sense, Pi is almost the God of the ecosystem. Pi himself would arbitrarily (as much as fishing can be, which I figure is a lot) snatch a member of his submerged ecosystem and would be responsible for its death, which is reminiscent of the deaths of humans in respect to God.
I agree with Hannah Wagner in the sense that the flares were a symbol of Pi’s dwindling hope. As Pi lit a flare, he knew that his chance of being rescued was extremely slim. Indeed, each flare he lit resulted in exactly zero rescues. The intense light, the fading, and eventual extinguishing of the light remind the reader of the hope and desperation that Pi feels towards his rescue, and the depression that ensued when that desire was left unfulfilled.

Nicole W said...

The most disgusting thing that I have ate was iguana. It wasn't the taste that made it gross but the fact that I was eating a green, scaly reptile made it utterly disgusting. The only reason I ate it was because I was tricked into thinking that I was eating chicken, by my mother.

Richard Parker and Pi have different sleeping habits. Pi sleeps only a little bit, and even with that he still has trouble sleeping. Pi is afraid that he will be attacked by Richard Parker when he is sleeping. Whereas, Richard Parker only sleeps during the day to escape the excruciating heat. Their interests for sleep are not the same.

When Pi looks down in the water and sees all the different life it makes him feel like he is the one in control with the power. Pi can destroy life at any moment he wants.

Unknown said...

The most disgusting thing I've eaten on purpose would have to be escargot. I tried that when I was on a cruise with my family a couple years ago, and I do not plan on eating that again. I refuse to eat a lot of seafood. I will eat some seafood but I will stay away from most. What's significant about Pi and Richard Parker's sleeping patterns is that they are kind of opposites. While Pi was sleeping on and off for about an hour at a time, Richard Parker was sleeping a ton. I think this is because Pi is very uneasy, especially considering he is on a small boat with a tiger, while Richard Parker probably doesn't know what else to do. The positives of sending off a flare whenever Pi sees a light is hoping someone will see it and rescue them. A negative is that he wasted most of his flares on pointless things that result in nothing.

Syoma said...

I enjoy eating food that looks good, so i dont think i have tried anything disgusting, not that i can remember anyways. Im sure back in russia i ate some strange food but that was back in the day, too far to remember. I refuse to eat all disgusting foods. I think Pi's life is becoming like a deity because he states his dominance over richard parker, becoming the "god" of the lifeboat. Pi rarely sleeps and richard parker sleeps alot. This indicates that richard parker is more relaxed about the situation then Pi. Pi lack of sleep shows fear. Fear of richard parker and fear of the ocean. The positive about igniting flares is that there is a chance that that light is a boat and they will see the flare and rescue Pi. The negative is that if the light is not a boat, Pi just wasted a flare and eventually will run out.

Ray R said...

I don't find my diet that gross, but friends think I'm gross when I eat stewed squid or other Filipino dishes. The only things I wouldn't eat are things that cause instant harm. Pi is likes deity compared to the ecosystem below him because he is aloof from the community. He knows all and sees all about them, but they don't know he's even there. He also has the ability to decide whether or not they live or die.

Pi sleeps very little, while the tiger sleeps all day. This shows Pi's uneasiness at his situation. It shows that he has toconstantly be working to survive. It is also very ironic. Richard Parker's sleep pattern might show his dominance, but Pi is actually the one keeping them both alive.

Everytime Pi let's off a flare, there is a small chance he'll be picked up, but a100% chance he'll lose a flare.

Alyssa R said...

Pi has become like a deity in that he is in control of himself and Richard Parker. Without Pi, they would not have food to eat and they would not be able to survive.
Pi and Richard Parker's sleep patterns show how comfortable each of them are in their situation. Richard Parker is very comfortable apparently and has gotten used to the fact that they are stuck on a tiny boat. Pi, on the other hand, is alert, scared, and can't sleep because he's not used to the conditions.

Paige said...

Although it wasn't disgusting, I was once dared to eat glitter. I don't think I would eat some of the more repulsive things that Pi ate, but in such a dire situation, he did what he had to do.

Richard Parker sleeps most of the day whereas Pi has short and restless naps. It shows that Richard Parker is relaxed and relatively comfortable and that Pi is stressed.

In hopes of being rescued, Pi lights the flares to signal that he is there. It is a good thing he has them in case a ship does pass by. On the other hand, if he uses a flare every time he sees a light, he may run out and not have any when there actually is a good chance of being saved.

Kylie Ferguson said...

The weirdest thing I’ve eaten was probably raw fish- sushi. And I hated it. Every time I read about Pi scarfing down a raw fish, I cringe. I’m willing to try just about anything. “You don’t know until you’ve tried.”

Richard Parker is sleeping all the time now. He has nothing better to do, I suppose. And being asleep burns fewer calories than when awake. Pi on the other hand, is sleeping only a small fraction of the day. I suppose resting most of the day would affect that a little bit but still, you’d think he’d sleep more. He says his lack of sleep is due to his high levels of anxiety- that seems plausible to me.

When seeing a light in the distance, it would be a ship. In which case, setting off a flare is a good idea, just in case. But the ship could be too far away to see it, or maybe it isn’t a ship at all. Then he’s wasted a flare for when there really is a ship out there.

Annie Valade said...

I don't recall what the most disgusting thing I've eaten. I think I'd have a difficult time surviving on some of the food choices Pi makes. Part of it is because of food allergies, the other is that I don't have the stomach to eat raw animals. Perhaps I'd eventually buck up and do what ever means necesscary for survival.
Pi rests for short periods of time and doesn't have peaceful sleep. His priority is to avoid Richard Parker. Richard Parker sleeps for longer periods of time trying to avoid the sun. Pi rests in fear but Richard Parker sleeps in exhaustion and disinterest.
The flares are positive because they provide a chance for Pi to be seen. However, they are negative because they ran out quickly and give Pi too much hope.

Alyssa Sander said...

The strangest thing I have eaten is Foie gras(goose liver). It was at a fancy restaurant so it was marinated in all sorts of cool things but the texture was weird. I would refuse to eat cat or dog because they are just so cute and cuddly. All i would be able to imagine was my pets. That would be very gross.

With nothing else to do I would think that Pi would sleep more but I guess knowing that you are in the middle of a huge ocean alone would keep you up a lot. I think Richard Parker sleeping all pf the time shows that he is now really aware of everything like Pi is.

Positives are that it might be someone and they could see him and save him. Negatives are it might not be someone and he is wasting his flares for when someone could really be out there.

Audrey said...

The most disgusting thing I've ever eaten, was probably dog food (which I ate as a dare). The two things I refuse to eat are beets and sauerkraut. The positive of igniting the flare is the light is actually a boat and the flare makes Pi's lifeboat visible, and he gets saved. The negative of igniting the flare every time he sees a light, is that he would run out of flares, and then when a boat actually comes around, they don't see him and he doesn't get saved.

William Floss said...

Most disgusting thing I have ever eaten was a 99 cent can of canned octopus. I was in New York City on a missions trip and we were staying in a less than pleasant part of the Bronx. Well if you've ever been to NYC there are thousands of little convenience stores, lets just say we stumbled upon a real dime and found this can of octopus. It was only 99 cents there was no way of passing it up. So we get back to where we were staying and open it up. The smell was atrocious. Not to mention the thick black fluid is was floating in. Well we were balls deep and there was no turning back. And to our dismay, it was as awful as it sounds. The taste haunted us to the next morning. Not the smartest of choices. But I would honestly give anything at least one try. I'm a firm believer of "don't knock it till you try it" when it comes to food. And if was something especially gross I guarantee there would be a price i would do it for.

Any ways back to Pi, he doesn't get much sleep as he is so busy taking care of things while on the other hand Richard sleep pretty constantly, hence the term cat naps. Pi also has the deity essence about him as he is in complete control of their little harmonious system. And a deity can't be sleeping their control away!

Sean.Bacon said...

I don't recall eating something disgusting on purpose, I am willing to try anything once like Pi and certainly in his situation you wouldn't have much of a choice in the matter, my problem would be killing the animals, I am not sure I could bring myself to do it unless I was in as grave of a situation as Pi.Pi feels like deity looking over the biospheric colony under him because he controls which of them live and which die, he also has created the environment in which they live, while he did not create the creatures he created the community they inhabit. Pi doesn't sleep much as he always has something to do providing for the survival of him and Richard Parker, while Richard Parker sleeps often much like a domesticated cat as he has his food and water provided for him and he has at the very least suspended his need to hunt. the positives to igniting flares with light in the distance is that the flare is easier to see and he could be rescued, the negative is if he keeps using flares he will run out and be unable to get the attention of a larger ship.

Unknown said...

The worst thing I've ever had to eat was a whole bottle of tobasco sauce...well I had to drink it. Even still, it was awful and I felt it running down my throat for days. I don't refuse to try anything once but I don't think I could ever eat a spider or a crunchy bug like a roach!

Pi is in control of whether he lives or dies and in that sense he is his own deity.

Pi sleeps to avoid Richard Parker, and Parker sleeps to avoid contact with the sun. It shows that Pi doesn't want any conflict with Parker and will revolve his sleep around him. Parker's pattern shows how he knows Pi will change his sleep to accomidate confrontation, so he positions his sleep around environmentals factors instead.

The positive is that it could be someone that can rescue them. The negative is the fact that it could be nothing at all and they wasted a flare.

Mackenzi Corns said...

The most disgusting thing I've eaten on purpose is sparrow...pretty gamey and chewy. It may have been better if I knew how to cook it correctly but somehow I doubt it. I'm very open to trying most foods but I will never try eyeball, just no.

Pi is like a deity because he has control over pretty much everything on the boat and can choose life or death. He provides food, water and other necessities by himself. The significance of Pi and Richard Parker's sleep patterns is that Pi will never fully trust Richard Parker. Rightfully so. Pi's sleep patterns are restless and irregular, and Richard Parker sleeps comfortably for most of the day. Richard Parker feels no threats so he is relaxed.

Lindsey said...

This is going to sound incredibly gross, but I have to say the most disgusting thing I have attempted to eat on purpose would be duck blood soup. It was when I was about 5 years old, and in my defense, I had no idea what I was putting into my mouth until after the fact. Anyway, I did not like the taste at all which saved me from eating an entire bowl, which I am now thankful I didn't! I have also tried goat in Haiti, and that is definitely not pleasing to my taste buds! There are so many things I would refuse to eat, like any meat other than chicken, beef or pork, any type of abnormal body part of an animal (i.e. intestines, tongue, etc.) and I would never eat anything I absolutely 100% knew would not harm me.
About igniting the flares now, I think it is a great idea for Pi to ignite them when he sees a light, although he needs to be sure it is not just something in nature, or two, a hallucination. With all of the health issues he is experiencing, I think it is definitely possible that he may be imagining seeing things. The negative side to igniting flares is that one, if he lights too many, he may run out when a real boat that has the potential to rescue him is near, and also, it could quite possibly attract attention that he does not want/need. For example, if a piece lands in the water, it could spark the attention and presence of an unwanted visitor such as a shark.

Brittany Amos said...

The most disgusting thing I've ever eaten on purpose was a blended drink of random things that I got dared to drink. It was absolutely revolting. I feel like I can't really think of things, but in the moment I might refuse it.
Pi probably see's himself like a diety because they're living beneath him. He can terminate their living area if he wanted to or he can help provide for them.
Pi sleeps at night which is understandable from a human sleeping pattern. Richard Parker sleeps during the day because usually large cats are more active at night and have a sense of nocturnal instinct.
Positives would be that it could get attention of anything flying above and it can be something to do while out at sea. Negatives would be running out and not having anything to use, the nostalgia affect it has on him, and the feeling of giving up after it's having no effect on rescue.

Aaron Hilsenbeck said...

I have never eaten anything gross exactly. Food is my favorite thing in the world and I never want to tarnish it by eating anything that looks or smells gross. However I have had to drink some pretty rancid things. I had left some raspberries in my backpack for two weeks and they turned into liquid. It smelled like wine. I was peer pressured into drinking it and I threw up as soon as I could taste it.
Pi is like a deity in that he sees the colony and decides its fate while it has no idea he is there.
Pi tends to sleep rarely and Richard Parker sleeps the days and nights away. This shows pi is worried about his "roommate" and Richard Parker couldn't care less.

CiaraKoss said...

The worst thing I have ever eaten was seaweed salad at some cheap Chinese buffet. I was smart enough to only test one strand of seaweed (because it nearly smelled as bad as it tasted), but everyone else I convinced to try it took a forkful. My mom almost threw up, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I laughed at her. I don't think I could ever eat that again, though. Not even if my life depended on it. I can't think of anything specific, really, aside from something mentioned in a previous chapter. Pi read in the survival guide that sea turtle blood is good. I would never even touch it, let alone think of drinking it. I'm sure Pi would, seeing as he almost drank his own pee.

Delaney Preston said...

The strangest thing that I have ever eaten was probably ostrich when my family was at a restaurant in Kenya. I refuse to eat anything that has a face when it is being served to me. Pi has become like a deity because he is living as one with the nature around him when he should have died when he first encountered Richard Parker in the lifeboat. Pi's sleeping patterns show him as untrusting of Richard Parker while Richard Parker's sleeping patterns shows that he trusts Pi to not hurt him in his sleep. The positive of Pi sending off a flare when he sees a light is that there really could be help with that light. The negative would be that he very well could just be imagining the light and in the process, wasting the flares he sets off for it.

Logan Smith said...

I don't remember eating anything gross on purpose but i have experienced some of the most awful tastes through cross country and two oral surgeries. To be quite honest the only way you can get me to eat weird things is if they look somewhat appetizing. If it doesn't look good you can forget it! Pi becomes like a deity because of his experiences with nature, he has conquered the most vicious of animals with out violence. He becomes at peace with the world.

Kailey Doherty said...

The worst thing I have ever tasted was poi while I was in Maui, Hawaii.

Pi is like a deity with his experiences with nature. He defeated the world's dangerous animals without violence and ends up becoming at peace with the world.

Sophia Marciniak said...

The grossest thing I have ever eaten is maceroni and cheese with pickles, pickle juice, chocolate sauce and cottage cheese (on a dare!). However, this does not compare to the repulsiveness of "food" Pi consumes. I would probably stop at sucking juice out of barnacles!

In my opinion, lighting a flare every time Pi sees a light in the distance is not very smart. Especially since Pi could very well be imagining those lights. If I were him, I would save them for a time when he's sure he sees a boat (like in a later chapter).

Reem said...

I don't know what the most disgusting thing that I've ever eaten but I'm pretty open to trying new things at least once as long as it's healthy to consume. I do not blame him for eating all that he has. Sometimes you just gotta deal with what you got, but I do appreciate the bounds he has taken, especially being a vegetarian and all.

Pi is a bit of a deity in the sense that he is so much bigger, an observer, and he can decide the life and death for the creatures.

Richard Parker sleeps all the time and Pi doesn't sleep often or for long. It sure lets us know how confident Richard is and worried Pi is.

The positive is that if it were a boat someone would be able to see him; the negative is that he's gonna run out of flares.

Tessa Savino said...

I think their sleeping patterns shows that Richard Parker is still the dominant one. Pi sleeps for short periods of time while Richard Parker sleeps at any time of the day because he has nothing to be worried about. 

I think that by lighting the flares he is simply wasting them. He doesnt know how far away the lights are so they might not be able to see them. There is also a chance, like Sophia said, that he could just be imagining them. 

Morgan Rinckey said...

The worst thing i have ever eaten on purpose was sugar sand. It is the byproduct of making maple syrup so it sounds like it would be okay, but it is the sandy residue of maple extract and everything that has been strained out, like bugs. So it was a mouthful of sandy bugs with a burnt maple syrup after taste.

Pi has become like a god to the ecosystem below him because he controls their fate. He could eat them, use them as bait, or change their environment to kill them. He is their protector.

The positives to Pi lighting the flairs is that a ship might see him. It is more likely that a ship would find the lifeboat a soon as the main boat sunk because most sea rescues happen within the first while of the accident. Another positive is the light attracts fish. On the other hand the fish that are attracted to the light also attract sharks. It also wastes flairs on only a possible rescue.

Leah Shear said...

The most disgusting thing I’ve eaten on purpose… When I was a three I tried to eat rabbit poop. If I was stranded on a lifeboat I would eat anything. If I wasn’t stranded on a lifeboat I wouldn’t object much of anything so long as it wouldn’t kill me.

Pi is a deity because he controls the situation, and Richard Parker, to the best of his ability.

Pi’s sleep hours are very short and restless, he is still aware of R.P and isn’t comfortable with him being around. Richard also sleeps uneasily, not because of Pi, but because he is uncomfortable with his living conditions.

Positive of lighting a flare is there could be a boat and he could be rescued. Negative is a boat could not see the flare, there could be no boat so he would be wasting flares, it could spook R.P and Pi would get attacked.

Meghan said...

Grossest thing I've ever tried to eat was my dad's snuff he bought. In my defense I was four and thought it was gum. The only thing I refuse to eat is anything that still has a face attatched as I eat it.
Pi sleeping pattern shows his fear of Richard Parker and of his situation. Richard Parker's sleep patterns follow that of anyone being ill and of him following his instincts to avoid the hottest part of the day.

Josh Ortiz said...

the most disgusting thing ive ever eaten on purpose was some really rotten milk my cousin poured out for me and i unwittingly drank it, i would refuse to eat anything that would kill me and anything that looked way too gross, the negatgives about igniting the flairs was that it wasted them when he could have used them like when he was by that oil tanker.