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http://www.knoxville.com/news/2010/dec/24/bear-man-ed-corbin-true-grit-jeff-bridges/ |
Interesting...we have Darisa hunting for Death, and the deathless man, who is related to Death...
What is the relationship between hunting and death? By default, then, what is Darisa's relationship with death once he becomes a great hunter?
Why wasn't Darisa with his cart and oxen? Was this a trap set by him to catch the tiger? Or the tiger's wife? And what hit the tiger when it attacked the oxen? Darisa was nowhere in sight...
Why did Darisa try to kill the tiger's wife and the narrator's grandfather? What reasoning would he have?
Stepping outside of the prompts, there was a quote at the beginning of this chapter that really struck me: “The bears in these pictures tell a different story, too, one of death in excess- but then, no one ever looks to them for answers” (240). Sophomore year in Honors English and a little in APUSH, there was an attempt to develop a theme of literature and stories from “the lion’s point of view.” In other words, my teachers wanted to give all points of view in terms of conflict, instead of just the view of the winner, or “the hunter.” This quote really exemplifies this idea- that all stories are told from the point of view of those who came out on top, and no one ever looks to the losers for answers. Right now, it seems as if the tiger’s wife and Natalia’s grandfather are on the losing side of the battle in Galina; however, the story is being told from their perspective. Throughout the story, the narrator makes note of the takes of others on certain situations, from the villagers in Galina and the story of the tiger hunt to the doctors in the City and the stories they tell of Natalia’s grandfather, before revealing the truth of the matter. Going back to the quote regarding the bears, it seems as if the author is making a subtle comparison between the bears and the tiger’s wife. This also could be some foreshadowing- if the author is comparing the tiger’s wife to a bunch of dead, skinned bears, what horrible fate could possibly be in store for her?
The taxidermy and the profession of the butcher are very closely related because they are both killing animals to sell to other people to make their living. The tie between Darisa and Luka is that they both left an impact on the town in an extreme way. The relationship between hunting and death is that when you hunt, you are looking to kill. Darisa's relationship with death is that is becomes his profession.
Darisa wasn't with his cart because he was observing from a distance I believe. I think that this was a trap to catch the tiger and his wife. I think Darisa was hiding and when the tiger attacked his oxen, he attacked the tiger.
Darisa tried to kill the tiger's wife and the narrator's grandfather because they were affecting his career and reputation.
While the professions of taxidermy and butchering have a few similarities, they are completely different jobs. A strong tie between Darisa the bear and Luka is the business of dealing with bears and other wild animals. Taxidermy is the process of restoring the dead, and butchering is the process of processing the dead.
The relationship between hunting and death is consistent. Death is a result of successful hunting. Since Darisa is a great, successful hunter, he causes causes a lot of death. Darisa wants death to happen.
Darisa wasn’t with his cart and oxen because he was hiding and waiting to catch the tiger’s wife set off his traps to save the tiger. I believe the tiger got kicked in the ribs by one of the panicked ox.
Darisa caught the tiger’s wife setting off his tiger traps, and then he attacked her to stop her. Natalia’s grandfather jumped on Darisa after Darisa knocked the tiger’s wife down, which made Darisa angry at both of them for not letting him kill the tiger. Eventually Natalia’s grandfather knocked Darisa out in the snow.
Taxidermy and butchering are similar professions to me because for lack of better of a better phrase, they both keep the dead from just being dead. Taxidermy is restoring the dead and recreating a creature so that it can be remembered physically. Butchering separates the meat from the carcass, so I suppose taxidermists need butchers so it there is a relationship between the professions. The butcher's profession would be transforming the dead because they aren't just letting the dead be.
I think Darisa is hunting death not because he wants to die, but because he wants to vanquish death. He is looking to rid death, so I suppose he in some sense is trying to become the deathless man. To me this is just waiting to turn into some vicious cycle with Darisa, Death, and the deathless man.
The relationship between hunting and death is a cause and affect. Hunting is causing death. Once Darisa becomes a great hunter he is increasing the cause of death which in the cause and effect cycle, would bring him closer to death. Darisa is unknowingly bringing his death closer by looking for death and interacting with death by hunting.
I believe that the cart and oxen were are trap set for Darisa to catch the tiger. I think it may have been the tiger's wife that hit the tiger as he attacked the oxen. We see that the tiger's wife knows that the traps are being set so I believe she was trying to help him avoid the trap, but was too late.
Both taxidermy and butchering transform the dead. Instead of leaving them as they are, the dead are changed into something convenient for use. Luka and Darisa are similar in that they both make a living off the dead. Without the dead, neither would have a profession and their own lives.
Darisa wants to rid everything of death. First trying to protect his sister, even going as far as searching the house for death, and then later with his profession in taxidermy. But at the same time, as he is a hunter, Darisa is basically actively seeking out death. Although after death, Darisa changes the animals back into something "alive".
I think Darisa was off setting a trap for the tiger's wife when the tiger came to see the cart. Or he was simply watching from a distance.
Darisa tried to kill the tiger's wife and Natalia's grandfather because they were ruining his reputation. He wasn't able to accomplish what he set out to do and therefore blamed it on them. He was also angry and being lied to about the nature of the tiger's wife. He believed he was there to protect the tiger's wife, when in reality she seems to be the reason that the tiger is there at all.
The commonality between a butcher and a taxidermist is that both professions deal with dead animals. A butcher preserves the inside of an animal while the taxidermist preserves the outside of an animal. I think there is a tie between Darisa and Luka because their professions associate with each other. The job of a butcher is preparing the dead for food while a taxidermy restores the dead. The relationship between hunting and death is that death comes unannounced while hunting is premeditated. Darisa had a relationship with death because it became his job. Darisa wasn't with his cart or oxen because he was too busy trying to catch the tigers wife. This trap was for the tiger I believe. Darisa tried killing the tigers wife because everyone in the town thought she was a danger and Darisa tried killing the grandfather because he knew the grandfather and the tigers wife were close so they both were a problem.
I think that the tie between Darisa and Luka is that they both have a high regard for life, or the ending of life. With out the ending of life they would not have jobs. Taxidermy is the "restoring" of the dead, and butchering to me in the "preparation" of the dead. Darisa presents the dead as if they are still alive but Luka prepares the dead to be used for food.
The relationship between hunting and death is that the hunting is the time before death comes. Hunting is tracking down the death of an animal. When Darisa becomes a hunter I think that he becomes death. He is a great hunter and so he brings death to the animals that he kills. He also take the death that he creates and makes a living from it by restoring it to sell.
The tie between Luka and Darisa is the fact that both of their jobs entail dealing with dead animals. Darisa's taxidermy profession and Luka's butcher profession both provide a service for the people concerning animals. I think that the butcher prepares the dead for the people while Darisa restores the dead.
The relationship between hunting and death is an interesting one because as a hunter, a person is in search to kill. Death then becomes the reward for your job as a hunter. This is strange in the case of Darisa because ever since he was little, he was in search of death and he was always out to get rid of it. As he grew older, hunting and taxidermy kept death right at his side. He killed animals and preserved them, leaving the death of the animals lingering in his presence.
I think Darisa was so persistant in killing the tiger's wife because she, along with the tiger, were defeating him. He started getting a bad reputation because he could no longer kill any animal. The tiger was putting up a fight and Darisa was loosing. Whether or not the tiger's wife was in on it, Darisa believed she was and he thought that by killing her, he could bring down the tiger. Natalia's grandfather just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. When he stepped in to help the tiger's wife, Darisa took that as a threat and decided that Natalia's grandfather needed to die too.
I guess taxidermy and the profession of the butcher are associated by the fact that they both are dealing with the dead; however, there job descriptions differ. A butcher merely hacks a dead animal to pieces in search for parts that are fit to eat, while a taxidermist is interested in the carcass alone. The two go hand-in-hand because what the butcher does not want, the taxidermist is interested in and vice-versa.
Like Megan said, hunting results in death (assuming you are a successful hunter). When you are on the hunt, you search and destroy, and death is the result of the hunting. Darisa's relationship with death grows immensely when he becomes a great hunter. The more he hunts, the more he kills, and that is death at its finest. Whether he truly knows or not, the paranoid feeling he gets when he believes death is surrounding him is only getting worse as he continues to kill. He may quite possibly be thinking that he is ridding the area of death, but on the contrary, he is making things worse.
I completely believe that Darisa was not with his cart and oxen because he set a trap to catch the tiger. I think he knew that if the tiger were to come the tiger's wife would be along side him, so it was sort of like a two-for-one sort of deal. Of course the tiger's wife picked up on the traps, and out of concern for the tiger's life, removed them.
I'm not sure what or who attacked the tiger because on page 262, it says that the hunter was nowhere in sight. Perhaps Darisa was not watching from a distance and made a sneak attack behind the tiger? I am not entirely sure.
Taxidermy and the profession of the butcher are generally related, but widely different. The butcher kills for the purpose of meat, while the taxidermist kills with the intention to make “life-like” again. (To an avid vegetarian, neither of these professions seem appealing…AT ALL) If taxidermy is “restoring the dead” wouldn’t that make the butcher be “preparing the dead”?
I find it very peculiar about Darisa hunting for death. Until this book I have never thought of death as something “living” that we are in the presence of. It really is making me think. I find it interesting to how Darisa had to take care of Magdalena, while Luka was taking care of the tiger’s wife.
Darisa tired to kill the tiger’s wife in hopes of that also killing the tiger’s spirits. He tried to kill the grandfather because he was so concerned about the tiger’s wife, and Darisa thought he has something to do with her. Also, the pure instinct to kill may have taken over, since he didn’t get what he came for.
well I could say that both professions a butcher kills animals and uses its insides, a taxidermiest uses the fur both professions deal with handling a dead animal, both use the parts of the animal to make profit. the job of a butcher is to feed the people, or rid the outer skin of the inner impurities. Good thing Darisa was dead before the deathless man came around in this story, those two might have fought. hunting leads to death, the hunter is the so called "reaper" Darisa becomes the bringer of death, he beacomes death's host. Darisa may have set traps for bandits who would try to steal his oxen and cart, he may have wanted to catch both the tiger and the tigers wife.
A taxidermist and a butcher both use dead animals in a way that can turn around to sell them to other people. A Taxidermist stuffs and sells dead animals so the owner can keep the dead animal. A butcher uses the meat of a dead animal and sells it as food.
Hunting usually precedes death. The hunter brings death to whatever it's hunting.
A taxidermist and a butcher both are in the business of creating life out of death. The taxidermist spends his time restoring the dead to life, and the butcher spends his time giving life to the living using the dead.
Darisa thinks of himself as Death's enemy, but in the end he turns out to be Death's best friend. The reason he is such a great hunter is not because he wants to kill, but because he seeks to create timeless reminders of life with his taxidermy. A sort of spiteful taunt to Death. The irony of this is that by doing so, he basically becomes Death himself.
Darisa may have been setting a trap or watching for the tiger to see what he was actually hunting.
Knowing Darisa's background, it is odd to believe that he would attempt to kill a child and a young woman with child. The story did seem to describe Darisa as a man who became jaded and crotchety with age though, so perhaps he really was just trying to kill for his profession and saw the two young people as threats.
Taxidermy and butchering are similar in that they both deal with parts of dead animals, but are vastly different. Butchers use the muscles and other edible parts of the animal while a taxidermist uses the skin and fur, and sometimes bones. I think the job of the butcher is more along the lines of preparing the dead. The tie between Darisa and Luka because they are both associated with death in their jobs.
The relationship between hunting and death is that when you hunt you are going out with the intention to bring death. If you manage to kill something then you have succeeded as a hunter. Darisa's relationship with death is that he is seeking to "become" death.
Taxidermy and butchering are the same in a way because they handel dead animals. Taxidermy takes the skin and fur and butchers take care of the meat aspect of it.
The relationship between hunting and death is irnoic because you hunt to kill. Darisa didn't want death, but with time hunting made that impossible for him. He killed animals and he knew it, was proud of it and knowing death made him happy.
Darisa tried to kill the grandfather and the tigers wife because things wern't going as Darisa planned or thought. He was angry that he set out to accomplish certain things but they interfered along the way.
Taxidermy and butchering are closely related in that they both prepare and sell dead animals for other people's use, in taxidermy, for decoration and in butchering, for food.
The relationship between hunting and death is that the hunter brings death upon whatever he is hunting. When a hunter goes out to hunt, he is doing it with the intentions to kill.
Both taxidermy and the profession of being a butcher have similar characteristics. Such as, both professions in other words recycle the dead and make use of it for later use. Butchers take the dead animal and process the meat in order for it to be eaten. Where as the a taxidermy saves the fur/hyde of the deceased animal to create a souviner.
Darisa is basically fighting with death itself. He looks for the deathless man to distract him from the death of his sister. Although he fails he eventually takes his revenge on death and loses.
Death is a natural part of life. Time may be cut short if there is the possibilty that you are being hunted. Becoming a hunter entitles you to a basic deal with death. Darisa was basically doing death's work for him.
Darisa wanted to kill the Tiger's wife to show what death what pain and suffering felt like. Although Natalia's grandfather had noting to do with the battle he was a witness.
Taxidermists and butchers both make their living off the dead. Darisa restores the dead and the Luka supplies the dead.
Darisa originally fears death and wants to get rid of it. He wants to protect his sister and his own fear feeds the motivation to expel death from his house. After he discovers taxidermy he begins to search for death and manipulate it to a profession.
I believe that the tiger was caught by trap that Darisa set.
Darisa probably wanted to kill the tiger's wife and Natalia's grandfather because they were ruining his reputation as a hunter.
I don’t believe that butchery and taxidermy are as closely related as some make them out to be. On an incredibly superficial level, yes: they both involve handling dead animals. Luka and Darisa’s attitudes and history with death symbolize the relationship their respective professions have with death. For Luka, death and hardship are no more uncommon to him than breathing. Apathy in the face of death enables the butcher to profit on a force of nature. However, Luka’s compassion reflects the respect a butcher has for a dead animal by allowing it to serve a purpose even after death. The taxidermist, on the other hand, does not accept death. Darisa in his childhood was unable to deal with death and did everything he could do to prevent it from happening. In the same way, a taxidermist restores the animal in an attempt to ignore death and pretend that it did not actually happen. Related, but not similar.
Darisa attempted to kill the tiger’s wife and Natalia’s grandfather because he was tired of being frustrated by them in his attempt to capture the tiger. He had spent a lifetime building his reputation as “the bear,” and his inability to capture and kill the tiger were hurting his reputation. In an era where information was transferred by word of mouth, having a poor reputation would severely hurt his business. Since the tiger’s wife and the grandfather were children, I would expect that it was especially infuriating for Darisa. Darisa trying to kill them wasn’t surprising, but apparently Darisa should have stuck to hunting bears.
In both professions general knowledge about the anatomy of different animals is probably needed, but I do no think they are similar. Both Darisa and Luka were robbed of thier childhoods and I think this had a great impact later down the road.
If taxidermy is restoring the dead I guess butchering is utilizing the dead.
Hunting and death go hand in hand togather. Earlier in the story death was Darisas enemy, his oppenent who he tried to foil, but the moment Darisa became a hunter death became his companion.
I found it very suprising that Darisa attacked a pregnant woman and a child, since he was portrayed earlier a a protecter of woman and children.
I think taxidermy and being a butcher are related but just slightly. They both involve killing animals, and using them for human use. Restoring the dead is the use of taxidermy I just think butchering is just killing for human need.
I think the relationship between hunting and death is that, when you hunt it’s normally to cause death. Such as a hunter and an animal, after chasing the animal and hunting it down the animal dies. Darisa relationship even before he was a great hunter was the constant chase of death.
Darisa wasn’t in his cart I think because he was setting the traps for both the tiger, and the tiger’s wife. I think the tiger was hit by the tigers wife, she looks after the tiger and knew how the traps were set. The tiger’s wife would do anything to look after the tiger, and in doing so would hit the tiger to keep him off the oxen.
Darisa tried to kill the tiger’s wife because he was jealous. The novel explained that Darisa was in love with the tiger’s wife right when he met her. I believe Darisa was jealous of the tiger, and that the tigers wife didn’t love him. Darisa wanted to kill the grandfather because I believe he simply got in the way.
While there is a connection between the taxidermist and the butcher, I feel it is a small connection. At first glance, it is easy to see that both professions revolve around disrupting the dead. When you take a closer look though, a taxidermist is restoring the dead and in a sense honoring it, because the animal is being preserved. On the other hand, a butcher is using the animal for survival needs. While being a vegetarian is an option for us, some people do not have the choice and therefore must use the meat from the animal to survive. The connection between Darisa and Luka is they both thrive off of the dead.
The relationship between hunting and death is a constant cycle. The great hunters become successful because they cause many deaths. By default Darisa wants to create death, because he is successful at hunting.
In my opinion, Darisa was not with his cart and oxen because he is attempting to catch the tiger. I think that the Tiger’s wife recognized that it was a trap, and tried to save the tiger, and that she was the one who hit the tiger when he was attacking the oxen.
Taxidermy and being a butcher are very closely related in the sense that they are dealing with dead animals and putting the bodies to use whether it be stuffing them for decoration or rememberance for a proud hunter, or skinning and getting the meat ready for consumption. The difference is that taxidermists want the animal to look as though it is still alive and kicking. Like it's frozen in time. A butcher simply wants to sell his meat for people to cook and eat. A butcher makes use of the dead you could say.
The relationship between hunting and death is the kill. Hunters like to hunt because they get a rush from the kill. It is a natural thing. Survival of the fittest. Man dominates animal and makes it known. Death is a natural thing. It can't be avoided. Death makes itself known as does the hunter. Darisa gets the rush of the kill as does any other hunter.
While taxidermy and butchery both deal with altering the dead, I do not think they are closely related. The purpose of taxidermy is to tell a story by recreating life in something that died. The purpose of butchering an animal is to take the parts of an animal that are useful to the living. It seems like taxidermy is about clinging to life in something dead and not accepting the fact that it is not alive anymore, where butchery accepts death and finds a way to repurpose the useful parts. While they are not complete opposites, taxidermy and butchery are different because they deal with death in different ways.
Darisa and the deathless man have something in common because they are always in search of death. Darisa’s initial interest in hunting began because of his constant search for death and the deathless man is always around when someone is dying and centers his whole life on finding his uncle in hopes of removing the curse that forbids him from dying.
I personally know from experience about taxidermy and kind of about butchering because my dad was a hunter and taxidermist and i would help him with taxidermy. There are not many connections between the two.With taxidermy you just deal with the skin while the butcher deals with the meat.
Hunting causes death to what is being hunted.
Darisa and the deathless an have somethings in common. They both are always searching for death.
Taxidermy and the profession of the butcher are similar in the way that they retrieve dead animals and use their carcasses in a practical way the butcher harvests the edible parts of an animal and sells it as food while the taxidermist restores the animal body and makes it essentially a display.
The relationship between hunting in death is that hunters cause animals deaths, interesting thing with Darisa is he as a great hunter is causing the death of animals he is trying to hunt death itself and surpass death.
Darisa wasn't with his cart and the oxen because he was setting a trap for the tiger, I think the tiger's wife hit the tiger to prevent it from falling into Darisa's trap.
Darisa tried to kill the tiger's wife and Natalia's grandfather because they are protecting the tiger and it would hurt the tiger emotionally to have it's protectors fall.
Taxidermy and the profession of the butcher are associated because they both have to do with the killing of animals. The tie between Luka and Darisa is that Luka is the butcher while Darisa is the taxidermist who loves to find big animals and kill them. Both people make a living off of killing animals and selling them.
The relationship between hunting and death is that to be able to hunt and kill something you also have to find death. Darisa's relationship with death is his mission to find it.
Darisa tied to kill the tiger's wife and the Natalia's grandfather because he thought he would be letting the village down if he didn't. The village wanted Darisa to kill the tiger so he thought if he killed the tiger's wife it would do the trick. He was angry and his reaction was to kill, this way it would be easy to find death.
The professions of butchers and taxidermists are closely related because they both have killing and destruction of animals leading into making them into something that can make the taxidermist or butcher money. Hunting causes death, when Darisa spent his nights hunting death as a child it seems quite logical that he would continue to hunt for death when he grows up. Darisa’s relationship is one that is more willing to seek out death and has something to do about it. I feel that Darisa was just watching the cart from a distance or he was waiting for something to happen that he previously knew was going to happen. Darisa has a reputation and he doesn’t want that ruined, the tigers wife and Natalia’s grandfather were ruining Darisa’s reputation so that’s why he wanted to kill them.
Taxidermists and Butchers can be viewed as closely related and as very different. To some people, they are closely related due to both professions dealing with animals and the manipulation of them after death. The taxidermists remember animals through physically seeing the animals, where the butcher remembers the animals through the uses their meat give us. But also the two professions can be viewed as different cause one deals with attempting to keep the animal alive and the other tearing the animal apart.
Hunting and death go hand and hand. Hunting is all about the death of animals. When ever a hunter goes on the hunt, death is most likely to follow. Since Darisa is a great hunter, he must be very close with death.
Darisa was so set out on killing the tiger, the tigers wife, and the grandfather because they were harming his reputation as a great hunter. The tiger was proof that he can't kill every animal and the tigers wife and the grandfater were assisting the tiger.
I think that Darisa's relationship with death is a very interesting one. He grew up fearing it, he was scared every night that death would come to the darkness of his room or to Magdalena in the darkness of her room. I think the reason that he became such an avid hunter and taxidermist, is because he realized that the tables were turned. Now he controlled death. He didn't have to be scared any more.
It seems to me that Darisa tried to kill the tiger's wife and the narrator's grandfather because they were getting in his way.
The taxidermy and the butchers professions are closely related because in both professions you kill an animal to sell and make a profit from. The relationship between hunting and death is that when a person hunts their goal is to kill. Darisa's relationship with death is that he looks for it to make a living.
Darisa wasnt by his cart because he was setting up a trap to catch the tiger. I think the the tiger's wife hit the tiger to protect it from Darisa. Darisa tried to kill the tigers's wife and Natalia's grandfather because they were trying to protect the tiger and they were in his way of killing the tiger.
Taxidermists and Butchers both make money off of dead animals. The job of a butcher would be to "prepare the dead." The relationship between hunting and death is if you are successful hunting than you have allowed death to take the life from the animal you are hunting. Darisa's relationship with death had become a bond instead of fear.
Darisa wasn't with his cart and oxen because I think he was searching for the tiger's wife. I think that the trap was set up for the tiger; if the tiger had not been lured away, then the tiger would have protected the tiger's wife from Darisa's attack. The cart that was attached to then oxen had hit the tiger when it had attacked the oxen.
Darisa most likely tried to kill the tiger's wife because she was constantly messing with his traps and baits for the tiger. Darisa probably tried to kill the narrator's grandfather because as a witness of the murder he would try to persecute Darisa. If the grandfather and the tiger's wife were dead than two inconveniences would be out of the way.
Taxidermy and the profession of a butcher are related because they both rely on death. Without death neither one would have a profession. Taxidermy needs a dead animal in order to restore it back to life, while a butcher needs a dead animal in order to prepare it into life for the village. Both professions take death and turn it into life.
Hunting is the act of bringing about death to your prey. Through becoming a great hunter, Darisa becomes almost like death. He decides what animals are going to die and when.
I think Darisa tried to kill the tiger’s wife because the village believed she was a threat. He also may have wanted to use her to bait the tiger. I believe he tried to kill Natalia’s grandfather because he was close to the tiger’s wife and could also be seen as a threat.
I think taxidermy and the profession of a butcher are closely related because they both have to deal with dead animals to sell to other people. The tie between Darisa and Luka is their connection is between their jobs and dealing with the death.
To be a successful hunter, you have to kill. Right there is the relationship between hunting and death. By default, Darisa wants to kill to be a successful hunter, causing death.
I think Darisa wanted to kill the tiger. I think that’s why Darisa wasn’t with his cart and oxygen.
Taxidermy and butchering are very closely related in that the take what remains after death has has finished its handiwork. If taxidermy is restoring the dead then the butcher is making use of the dead (recycling in a way).
Hunters provide for death, so I suppose Darisa employee. Or maybe more of a companion since they have developed a sort of symbiotic relationship.
Darisa wasn't with his oxen and cart in order to observe and lay his trap. I believe the trap was for both the Tiger and his wife. I think the Tiger's wife was the one that hit the Tiger in the ribs. Later when the grandfather comes in the clearing, he sees the Tiger's wife but Darisa is still 15 or 20 feet away from her. Plus, who else could have done it without the Tiger attacking them as well?
Whether or not he planned on killing them his reason behind the attack was because they helped save tiger (which he believed to be endangering the village), ruined his reputation, and his chance at having this rare prey.
I think taxidermy and butchering both are related because they both deal with the dead but that is about it. In both they restore dead things just in different ways. The job of a butcher is to restore the dead for people to eat.
Hunting is bringing death upon something, deciding when and where it dies. Once Darisa becomes a great hunter he becomes very close to death.
I think Darisa was setting up traps for the tigers wife becase he knew the tiger would be near sense she is always looking out for him. I think the tigers wife hit or sent something to hit him so he would not fall for the traps.
Taxidermy and the profession of the butcher are very closely related. The death of animals is what keeps those particular professions alive.
Hunters cause death, so the relationship between hunting and death is very close. Once Darisa becomes a great hunter, he is able to overcome his fear of death.
In the relationship between hunting and death, one leads to the other. In a successful hunt in the eyes of the hunter, death is the result.
Taxidermist and butchers are closely related in the sense that they both work with dead animals, but they are actually very different. The butcher uses a dead animal to prepare its meat to sell as food, while a taxidermist makes the dead animal look alive again for show.
What is the relationship between hunting and death? Well you can’t exactly hunt without a death being involved. To hunt an animal it would require the animal to lose its life. Darisa uses death to his advantage when he becomes a great hunter.
I think Darisa abandoned his cart and oxen in order to catch the tiger’s wife and the tiger. The cart and oxen would leave larger trails and stand out more which would alert the tigers wife ( I would say sound would be a negative factor of having the cart and oxen, but it doesn’t apply in this case because the Tiger’s wife is deaf, but the sound would alert the tiger more than Darisa’s footsteps in the snow (Even though tigers have excellent hearing abilities).
Darisa attempted to kill the tiger’s wife and Natalia’s grandfather, because he believed that they both were protecting the tiger- which was currently on his list of prey.
I think the only similarity between the two are that they deal with animals. I guess butchering would be creating the dead...
Depending on what hunting is for- survival or sport- than the relationship can be two things. The first is the circle of life, death of one creature ensuring another's survival. But if it's for sport, than the relationship becomes unecessary. However in both, the hunter controls it, which is Darisa's relationship with it; before with his sister, he couldn't control it.
I imagine Darisa checking his traps would be a good explanation for him to not be with his cart and oxen. I don't really think it was a trap, because the hunter wasn't near. As for what hit the tiger, I have no idea.
Darisa probably feels ashamed he couldn't kill the tiger. Maybe he thought if he killed the only two in the village sympathetic to the tiger, he would be able to manage it.
Taxidermy and the profession of the butcher are associated because the death of animal and what they do with it is how they make their money. In their professions, the death of an animal is important. The relationship between hunting and death is that in order to hunt, something has to die. Darisa is trying to find death.
I think that Darisa wasn't by his cart because he was trying to set the tiger up. He knew that if he left the oxen alone then the tiger would attack them.
I think that taxidermist and butcher are very similar. It is a taxidermist job to make the dead look presentable as a display where as the butcher to make it appealing and okay for people to eat.
Taxidermy and butchering are completely different. The only similarity is that they both deal with dead animals. Taxidermists make a dead animal look "pretty" while a butcher makes a dead animal tasty.
To hunt is to cause death. Hunting cannot be successful without the death of an animal. When Darisa becomes a good hunter, he will be able to control the life and death of an animal.
Taxidermy and the profession of the butcher are closely related in the sense that they both work with dead animals. While one works to make the animal look alive again, the other one prepares it to be sold for food.
Death and hunting are related in the fact that death is the result of hunting. When Darisa becomes a great hunter, he gets over his fear of death.
I think Darisa wasn't with his cart because he was checking his traps. I think it was the tiger's wife that hit the tiger as a type of warning.
I think Darisa tried to kill the tiger's wide and Natalia's grandfather because they were in the way of his prize prey (the tiger).
Taxidermy and butchery are like bread and butter. The meat has to be separate from the pelt to cure and form it. The job of the butcher is to provide for the living.
A trap that wasn't tended well. Was he really that good of a hunter??
He was driven to insanity because the tiger's wife outsmarted him.
In both professions, the death of an animal is necessary. A butcher provides provides people with necessary food so they can live. A taxidermist solidifies the existence of an animal by preserving its body, making it seem as though it's still alive in a sense.
Ideally, the end product of hunting is the death of the prey. It was mentioned in the chapter that Darisa thought that life could be found in death. I think he hated the idea of death because of his sister's illness. So, by hunting an animal and keeping it "alive" through taxidermy, he's defying death in a way and creating something positive from it.
The professions of the butcher and taxidermy are both associated with "restoring the dead". Both professions make well of death in a way. The taxidermist preserves the animal's body while the butcher uses the animal's body for food.
Hunting results in death. By hunting and killing animals, Darisa is able to control killing the animals while he was not able to control the death of his sister. Deep down I think this is a kind of therapy for Darisa.
I think Darisa planned to catch the tiger by leaving his oxen out as bait. It would make the most sense to say that the tiger's wife hit the tiger, but I am not sure.
Taxidermy and butchery are very closely related. Not only to both involve dead creatures and one supplies the other, but also the both transform death into life. In taxidermy it makes the dead look alive and butchery creates food so that humans can continue to live.
Hunting and death are also closely related. However, I see the relation different than others. Hunting is an appreciation of death rather than brutal murder. Hunting is a requirement for survival and its a respect for the animals that allows the kill. This respect is what allows Darisa to get over the fear of death.
Taxidermy and butchery are very closely related. Not only do they both make a living off of the death of things but they also transform death into life. Taxidermists make the dead look like like they are alive again and butchers make use of the dead by giving them to the living to continue living.
Taxidermists and butchers both handle the animal after it is dead (and may or may not have had anything to do with the death). If taxidermy restores the dead, then butchery could be seen as using the dead to restore the living. After the butcher is done, the meat from the animal will be used as food for the living, preserving life.
Hunting is an avenue to death. It can be seen as assisting death. Therefore, Darisa could be seen as a tool of death. Without Darisa, the animals would still die, just not as fast. Either way, the job gets done, but Darisa hastens the process.
Taxidermy and butchering are slightly similar because they both involve dealing with dead animals. Taxidermists don't always kills the animals they stuff whereas butchers almost always kill the animals they butcher. The taxidermists "restore the dead", but I feel that the Butchers "make use of the dead".
Maybe Darisa attempted to kill the grandfather and the Tiger's wife because they don't believe that the Tiger is entirely bad and they might stand in his way.
Taxidermy and butchering are similar because they both deal with dead animals. One preserves the outer animal and the other preserves the inside. Both make a living of the death of animals. The relationship between hunting and death is ironic because one causes the other. Darisa found a somewhat joy in the killings. Darisa tried killing grandfather and the tiger’s wife because his plan was not working. He wanted to kill them because they screwed up his plan.
Taxidermists and butchers both turn dead animals into something for human use, either food or decoration. While you can butcher or taxidermy an animal that is already dead, generally an animal is killed for this purpose. Both these professions depend on death, but they also try and turn the death into something that can benefit someone.
Hunting is unique because it's the only socially acceptable hobby where killing is the point. Whether for food or for sport, to become a great hunter one must become a good killer. I have a feeling, though I've never been hunting, that knowing you're extremely capable of killing might change your perception of yourself.
I also think it's funny that when an animal dies in a movie or a book, people get upset over it. It's often the most emotional death in a piece of work. When a hunter kills them, though, the hunter gets congratulated. Kind of hypocritical, if you ask me.
Not to repeat what everyone else said but a taxidermist and butcher are very similar. Both make their living off of dead animals. A taxidermist stuffs dead animals and a hunter kills animals. Death and the hunter are similar bc obviously they both deal with killing
taxidermy and butchering are correlated through the fact that both professions revolve around dead animals and are needed for their jobs. The relationship between hunting and death is that the results of hunting usually ends in death, so the hunter is kinda like the grim reaper almost. Darisa wasnt with his cart or oxen because he set up a trap to get the tiger.
Taxidermy and butchering are bother related because they deal with dead animals. Darisa and Luka are both connected through the careers with are closely related through dead animals and obviously death. The job of the butcher is to destroy the dead.
When hunting something usually ends up dead, either the hunter or the prey. Darisa's relationship with death once he becomes a hunter is that they become the same.
I’d say a taxidermy and a butcher are closely related. They both deal with the preserving of animals. The job of a butcher is… Destroying the dead. By hunting you are most likely going to be causing death. Darisa is trying to find death to protect his sister. I think Darisa wasn’t with his cart and oxen because he was searching for the tiger or the tiger’s wife. I think Darisa tried to kill the tiger’s wife and Natalia’s grandfather because they were getting in his way and causing problems for him.
Hmm.. they're sort of related. They both heavily deal with dead animals so there's that, but otherwise they're not very similar. Taxidermy is the process of stuffing dead animals to look at and show off for entertainment, pride, arrogance, etc. And a butcher processes dead animals to be consumed by humans. So, they're both different and similar.
Hunting can not exist without death being a factor. In order to excel at hunting, you need to kill, and if you don't, you don't excel at hunting. it's a two sides of the same coin type thing. So, in that case, Darisa's progress in becoming a great hunter gives him a better understanding of death. I feel he may possibly think that if he can learn to master death, he can also learn to escape it.
He tried to kill the Tigers wife and grandfather just because of how they affected his life. He didn't like the fact that they were meddling with his reputation.
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