Sunday, August 18, 2013


Like any good villain, Claude isn't entirely evil. What does he do/think in this chapter that shows this?
Does Claude actually see the ghost, or is it a figment of his imagination caused by guilt?
Why can't he find his way out? He knows the barn like the back of his why the confusion?


Unknown said...

Claude is shaken, and considers taking Edgar's body out of the barn to make it appear better (or as good as possible) to Trudy. I'd like to believe that Claude actually saw the ghost, but I think that what Claude said about oxygen deprivation was true, and that he was hallucinating in the smoke. Claude can't find his way out of the barn because of the smoke and fire. I think the sensations were too much and were disorienting him.

Tyler Benore said...

That is an over generalization Mr earl because, The joker from the Dark night trilogy is entirely evil and has no good side. Back to the book now, Claude is just creating an apparition to make sense and materialize his guilt. He killed his own brother for selfish reasons so his mind is trying to make sense of all the events. he can't find his way out because he is panicking and stressed so he mind is all jumbled and he cant think clearly. He has just been under a lot of stress so he can't handle it.

Austin Vc said...

Claude saw a figment of his imagination not a ghost. Not only is it very unlikely but PTSD was and is very common. Guilt can trigger moments like this along with traumatic events. Claude should have felt guilty for what he did.

Trent Turshon said...

I agree with Austin about Claude's hallucination of the ghost. Whether or not the stress is physical or mental, hallucinations are common with a high stress level, especially when guilt is involved.