Saturday, August 17, 2013


Why is Edgar just now looking for the bottle?
Why doesn't Edgar just go to the house to see his mother and look for the bottle later?


Bree Elwartoski said...

I think that Edgar waits so long to look for the bottle because he thought that it would have been disposed of long ago. He doesn't go into the house immediately because he wants to be able to have a evidence to show his mother so she will finally believe him. He wants to be able to have the upper hand when he returns.

James P said...

He searches for the bottle before moving back into his former house because he wants to have direct evidence of Claude's guilt in Gar's murder (or in Trudy's mind, his natural death) in order to expediently either take revenge out on Claude or bring him to justice before the law. If he waits until after he moves back into his house before searching for the poison bottle, he will plausibly be either dead or missing before he can take action. If he already has the bottle with him, he implant suspicions into his mother's mind long before Claude would have the chance to dispose of Edgar.